
Cards (47)

  • 1947: India given Independence by the support of Ghandi and partition which led to the creation of Pakistan as Jinnah the leader of the Muslim League believed the muslims would be left venerable in India. The British were more fond of the emuslim league rather than the Indian National Congress who were more violent and demanding.
  • 1942: Ghandi Quit India Act
  • 1857: Indian Rebellion against the British. Due to the grease of riffles offending both the hindus and muslims by using pork and cow fat.
  • 1857: Indian Mutiny was due to the religious change that was forced upon by the missionaries.
  • 1857: Indian Rebellion left many inncoent: women, children and adults killed. Punishment were severe and horrible as people would be shot out of cannons and anyone who conspired or related to the rebels were killed.
  • WW1: 1914 to 1918
  • In WW1: 1.5 million Indians voluntary joined the First World War with the British.
  • Amritsar Massacre in 1919 killed 400 innocents in India and 1,500 injured as General Dyers men opened fire on an unarmed group.
  • Salt March by Ghandi in 1930 was a 24 day march to Dandi and broke the law by helping them selves to natural salt. 80,000 arrests were made and Ghandi was sent to prison which led to more strikes and protests in India.
  • 1930 the British use repression in India with the help of the Raj to regain control of India with 2,000 arrest of under 17s and 360 women arrested.
  • Round Table Conference: 1931 in London Ghandi was seen as ignorant as he's stated that he spoke for 95% of Indians which neither the Muslim or Sikh league believed was true. the conference was a failure for Ghandi as he was arrested a week later.
  • Fast Unto- Death: 1932 Ghandi threatened to fast to show opposition to Ramsay Mcdonalds Communal Award which reinforced the caste system in India.
  • India was economically involved in WW1 through donating £100 million to Britain for war effort.
  • 1858: Government of India Act- position of secretary of state of India was created, council of 15 members was created with experience of Indian affairs. Crown appointed a viceroy and Indian civil service was placed under the control of the Secretary of State.
  • After the Indian rebellion in 1857, the East Indian Company was taken over by the crown in 1858
  • Defense after the Indian Mutiny in 1857 was weak as the British only had 40,000 troops. In the late 1880s the British army increased to 70,000 and the Indian army increased to 125,000 as the British tried to keep a 1:2 ratio.
  • Indian soldiers could not go higher up in the ranks (racist views).
  • Railways expanded in India mainly due to military purpose in 1857: 288 miles and in 1860s it increased to 6,000 miles.
  • Public Health measures in India helped to stop the spread of cholera. This led to a population increase of 208 million.
  • 5.5 million Indians died from famine and poverty in 1873.
  • 1885: Indian National Congress was set up which allowed middle class Hindus to discuss issues.
  • 1858: India has its own Colonial Office set up by the British.
  • Creation of the legal system was for the benefit of the British. Led to 6,000 Indians attaining a job in the legal system.
  • East Indian Company became more powerful and had caused lots of issues for Indian workers through horrible working conditions and not paying workers enough money.
  • Durbar in 1877 was the celebration of British rule over India, with the attendance of Queen Victoria.
  • India passed into direct rule of the British Crown in 1858.
  • 2,000 Indians in University studied law.
  • Tea plantations farming increased from 1 in 1851 to 295 by 1871.
  • 3 universities built in the cities of India, ( Madras, Bombay and Rajkumar) an attempt to "Westernise gentlemen"
  • 1935: Government of India Act promoted by viceroy Lord Linlithgow was a failure as the Indians did not want to have self-independent states as the Indian/ Congress want to enjoy the same independence as the Dominions.
  • 1929: Simon Commission was an idea from John Simon that India has its own independent provinces, but with overall control by the viceroy to keep British rule.
  • 1919: Rowlatt Act in India allowed the British and the Raj to have more control by arresting and imprisoning anyone who opposes British rule. 50,000 British Raj were used to arrest.
  • 1905: Partition of Bengal, caused religious separation, through the separating of the two parts.
  • Swadeshi Campaign: during the 1905 partition of Bengal, would boycott British goods and were successful in resisting against the British.
  • 1911: Partition of Bengal is reversed
  • In 1918: The Spanish Flu had spread killing nearly 20 million Indians.
  • Lord Curzon: had supported the partition in 1905.
  • 1916: The Lucknow pact allowed some cooperation with the nationalists allowing the Muslims league and the Indian National Congress to have, religious structure in dealing with self-government of India in Congress.
  • India had contributed over £146 million to the Attlee and British war effort.
  • Decrease in employment due to crop failures in India.