Modern key dates

Cards (31)

  • 1948
    NHS introduced
  • 1905
    Aliens act - only people with jobs or money could migrate
  • 1948
    British nationality act - People in British colonies given British citizenship and passport, gave them the right to go to Britain and stay as long as they wanted
  • 1992
    Maastricht treaty signed - established the EU, allowed freedom of movement of all EU citizens
  • 1914
    Germany invaded Belgium - over 250,000 Belgians migrated to Britain
  • 1988
    Immigration act - ensured economic migrants from within the eec could enter and remain in Britain for work
  • 1939
    war was declared - Kindertransport stopped
  • 1951
    Britain signed up to the UN convention on refugees - promised to offer asylum to refugees facing persecution
  • 1918
    Belgians given a ticket home - war ended
  • 1914
    British nationality + Status of Aliens act - Made Germans 'enemy aliens'
  • 1919
    riots in Liverpool and Cardiff over jobs
  • 1968
    Enoch Powell (MP) 'River of blood' - anti migrant speech
  • 1981
    Brixton riots - accusations of police brutality towards children of caribbean migrants
  • 2001
    Burnley riot
  • 1947
    Polish resettlement act - allowed polish servicemen to remain with their families in Britain
  • 1965
    race relations act - illegal to discriminate against people because of their race in PUBLIC FACILITIES
  • 1968
    race relations act extended to include discrimination in housing and employment
  • 1976
    race relations act extended - illegal to discriminate on grounds of race, nationality or ethnic origin in employment, education, training and housing (DID NOT APPLY TO POLICE)
  • 1971
    Immigration act - vouchers replaced with work permits for set periods of time - didn't apply to migrants with british born parents/grandparents
  • 1967
    National Front - wanted a ban on all non-white migration to Britain
  • 1977
    Anti-Nazi league - disrupted protests by racist groups
  • 1963
    the West Indian Development Council (WIDC) boycotted Bristol's buses until the colour bar was lifted
  • 1964
    Bristol West Indian Cricket club set up
  • 1966
    Bamboo Club opened - music and restaurant to cater specifically for Bristol's Caribbean community
  • 1962
    WIDC formed - owen henry + roy hackett
  • 1968
    First St Pauls Festival in Bristol
  • 2015
    Series of murals unveiled in Bristol - 'seven saints of St Paul's' incl roy hackett
  • 1972
    Hindu temples, sikh Gurdwaras, mosques, an islamic foundation and asian social and welfare clubs in Leicester
  • 1974
    Imperial typewriters strike
  • 1972
    Asian migrants expelled from Uganda
  • 1974 + 1979
    National front protests in Leicester