1960s: British started to decolonise mainly in Africa and Asia. Due to Britain relying heavily on America the big powers as America was anti-imperialist and economically.
In 1932 the Singapore Naval Base was built as the British used this as a geographical advantage for any tension or conflict in Asia and to protect the Anzacs.
Burma did not join the commonwealth and was given independence in January 1948.
Malaya given independence in 1957.
Malayan Emergency, had caused the British to team up with the UMNO as the communists known as Malayan NationalLiberation Army (MNLA) started to rise and the British with fear of communism rising, had attacked and won.
Burma occupied by Japan in WW2 and many Burmese collaborated with the Japanese rather than the British.
Little money was spent on Burma. the British attempted to build railways, public heath but gained little favor from the Burmese.
Capital of Burman Rangoon had only one public library, which only £10 a year were spent on books.
Attlee Prime Minister was a pragmatist, willing to compromise, as he did not want to have Burma part of the Empire anymore due to the prohibitive cost of keeping Burma under Imperial control.
Ceylon were cooperative with the British rather than using violence to gain independence.
In 1931 a Commission led by Lord Donoghue had recommended a constitution. The council was set to be elected by universal suffrage and Ceylon were the first Asian colonial nation to obtain such a franchise.
In 1942 ministers became into effect in the governors cabinet.
Ceylon given independence in February 1948 and remained in the Commonwealth and agreed a defence treaty with Britain.
After Ceylon given independence in 1948, and changed its name to Sri Lanka.
1943: Britain introduced self governing in Ceylon.
Britian spent £25 million to build the naval base in Singapore to deter the Japanese aggression.
1942: When the Japanese invaded the Singapore base it was a big disaster for the British as 100,000 British soldiers surrendered against 30,000 Japanese soldiers.
SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organisation) set up in 1954: was a counterpart to Nato. Created as a collective defence against the rise of Communism in South East Asia.
Germany arrives in South Africa in the 1880s.
During WW2 54,000 workers in Nigeria forced to work in coal mines.