System - An object or group of objects that you are interested in
Closedsystem - no energy in or out
Energy is transferred when a system changes:
Specific heat capacity - the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1kg of a substance by 1°C
Block of material with hole for thermometer and hole for heater
Measure mass of block, wrap in insulation, insert heater/thermometer
Measure initialtemp, set power supplypotentialdifference to 10V and start stopwatch
Record temperature and current (using ammeter) every 10 mins. Current shouldn't change
Electricity units
Power (P) - Watt (W) = joules/second
Potential difference (V) - Volt (V)
Current (I) - amp (A)
Resistance (R) = Ohm (Ω)
Energy (E) - joule (J)
Charge (Q) - coulomb (C)
Investigating insulators
Place boiling water into a sealable container
measure mass and initial temp
seal container and cover in insulator
leave for 5 mins then remove lid and measure final temp
Reset container temp and repeat for differentinsulator
Energy is dissipated when friction occurs - lubricant reduce friction of two surfaces rubbing against each other
set up a circuit with a wire along a ruler, a voltmeter in parallel and a ammeter in series
Secure one crocodile clip to 0cm
move the other crocodile clip along recording distance, voltage and current
plot a graph of resistance (V/I) against length of the wire
I-V characteristics
set up circuit with tested component in parallel with a voltmeter and in series with an ammeter and a variable resistor
alter the resistance and record potential difference and current (repeat each measurementtwice)
Swap positive and negative battery terminals and repeat with negative values
eg. ohmic conductor (constant resistance) - straight line
eg filament lamp - resistance increases with °C
eg diode - one-way current - exponential graph
Series vs Parallel circuit
In series:
Potential difference at cell is sum of potential difference at each component.Shared amongst components
Total resistance is the sum of the resistance of every component
Current is equaleverywhere
In parallel:
Potential difference is equal at each branch
Total resistance decreases with number of components with resistance added (1/total-resistance = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + ...)
Current is shared between each branch
Investigating resistance
set up a circuit with a voltmeter, ammeter and a resistor
record the potential difference and current
add another identical resistor in series
repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more
Use R=V/I to calculate the resistance
Plot the resistance against the number of resistors. should be a straight line
Investigating resistance
set up a circuit with a voltmeter, ammeter and a resistor
record the potential difference and current
add another identical resistor in parallel, ie. on a new branch
Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more
Use R=V/I to calculate the resistance
Plot the resistance against the number of resistors, should be the positive side of 1/x graph
LDR - resistance decreases with light
Thermistor - resistance decreases with temperature
Electricity in the home
230VDC at 50Hz
LIVE - brown
NEUTRAL - blue
EARTH - green and yellow
National grid
Power lines 400000V down to 230V in the home
Change of state
Sublimation is the change from a solid straight to a gas
Deposition is the change from a gas straight to a solid
Specific latent heat
of FUSION - solid <-> gas
of VAPOURISATION - liquid <-> gas
Amount of energy needed to change the state of 1 Kg of a substance without changing the temperature
Increasing the temperature of a gas causes particles to have more kinetic energy and therefore pressure exerted on walls of a container increases
History of the atom
JJ Thompson's plum pudding model was disproved by firing positivealpha particles:
most went through - atom mostly empty space
some deflected straight back - must be a smallpositive centre
same charges repel
Radiation definitions:
Ionising - knocking an electron off an atom creating an ion
alpha particle ₂⁴ α = ₂⁴ He - heavy particle therefore doesn't penetrate or move much - stopped by paper
beta particle ⁰₋₁ β = ⁰₋₁ e - stopped by 5mm of aluminium
Gamma particle ⁰₀ ϒ - shortwavelengthEM wave - stopped by thick lead or concrete
Activity and half-life
Geiger-Mullertube and counter used
1 becquerels (Bq) = 1 decay/second
Irradiation and Contamination
Irradiated - affected by a source of radiation
Contaminated - radioactive material physically on or into something
outside - gamma and beta most dangerous - penetrating
inside - alpha most dangerous - highly ionising
Even low-level radiation doses can cause cellmutations
Alpha particles should never be used within the body
Radiation within the body should have shorthalf-life
Fission - unstable nucleus split using neutron producing energy and another neutron, starting a chain reaction. Used to heat water in power stations or for bombs
Fusion - two atomsfused, some mass lost as energy. Currently impossible as pressure and temperature needed is too high