A Romantictragedy opera by GiuseppeVerdi, set in Paris, France during 1850, telling the story of the tragic love between the courtesan Violetta and the romantic AlfredoGermont
An opera by Giacomo Puccini, about Lieutenant B.F. Pinkerton who marries Cio-CioSan (Butterfly) in a Japanese wedding ceremony, but later abandons her for an American wife, leaving Butterfly heartbroken
A classical/earlyRomanticcomposer who developed lieder (German songs) to have a powerful dramatic impact on listeners, considered the last of the classical composers and one of the first Romantic ones
An Italiancomposer who wrote operas with politicalovertones for a middle-class audience, with expressive vocal melodies as the soul of his operas, known for seriouslovestories with unhappy endings
An Italian composer who belonged to a group of composers who stressed realism, drawing material from everydaylife and rejecting heroic themes from mythology and history
Theater began from myth, ritual, and ceremony, as early society perceived connections between actions performed by groups of people or leaders to a certain society
Began around 700 B.C to honor the god Dionysus, the godofwine and fertility, with a religious festival called "The Cult of Dionysus", centered in Athens which was a center of significant cultural, political, and military power
A short, lighthearted tailpiece performedaftereachtrilogy of tragedies, containing comic elements to lighten the overall mood or serious play with a happy ending, featuring choruses of satyrs (half-man/half-goat characters) who were often awful, ridiculous and usually drunk
Paddle/Racket/Bat (laminated wooden racket, covered with rubber on two sides, 85% of the blade thickness should be natural wood, 6.5 inches long and 6 inches wide)
Hide the ball and the player guess which hand the ball is in
LET (net-in) if the ball hits the net, but goes over and bounces on the other side
Violations (allowing the ball to bounce twice, not hitting the ball after it has bounced, hitting the ball before it bounces, double hitting, hitting anything other than the bat, causing the ball not to bounce on the opponent's half, placing free hand on the playing surface, offering and failing to make a good serve, making an illegal serve, hitting the net with a bat or moving the table)