Tet offensive

Cards (10)

  • what happened during the Tet offensive?
    Vietcong and North Vietnamese launched a massive surprise attack. Guerilla fighters attacked most American airbases in South Vietnam and most of the South's major cities. As well as the American Embassy in Saigon.
  • when did the Tet offensive start?
    January 30, 1968
  • where ?
    hundreds of towns, cities and military bases attacked
    -including US embassy in Saigon
  • why did the Tet offensive happen?
    -Vietcong wanted to inspire South Vietnamese to rise up against government and US forces
    -Hoped US public would withdraw support for war if they saw US forces being defeated
  • how did the Tet offensive happen?
    -Vietcong had been launching smaller attacks away from cities so there would be less US troops in Saigon
    -For months Vietcong had been piling up weapons in homes in Saigon
  • what was the US response to the Tet offensive?
    -quickly regained control of towns and cities
    -used advanced training and tech to defeat Vietcong
    -Response weakened Vietcong
    -Vietcong lost 10,000 soldiers and 50,000 North Vietnamese
  • what was the impact on the US army?
    -Had to use lots of artillery and air power in response
    -war was costing 30 billion a year and 300 US soldiers being killed a week
    -US began to doubt that US would win war and if it was worth it
  • what were the failures of the Tet offensive?
    -defeat for Vietcong and north Vietnam
    -lost 10,000 soldiers
    -USA retook all they took from them
  • what were the successes of it for the Vietcong?
    -shown they could strike at any moment
    -events shown on US tv and public saw chaos and destruction
    -US public began to realise they might not be able to beat Vietcong and started turning against Johnson and US involvement in war
  • what were the results of offensive?
    -weakened US support for war drastically
    -woke US public up to how much money and lives the war was costing
    -Offensive killed many civilians and destroyed lots of land tat further weakened support for war