high energy and low energy coastlines

Cards (23)

  • high energy coastline
    saltburn to flamborough head
  • key stats and ideas about saltburn to flamborough head
    60km long coastline
    flamborough head = chalk/glacial head
    north york moors = sandstone/limestone
    discordant coastline
  • energy flows in high energy coastline
    dominant wave direction is north and northwest - fetch is 1500km
    LSD occurs southwards
    areas of weak lithology experience erosion rates of 0.8m/year
    areas of stronger lithology experience erosion rates of 0.1m/year
  • geology at saltburn to flamborough head
    chalk headland = strong lithology
    bays either side = clay
    saltburn = limestone and sandstane
    horizontally bedded
  • sediment sources at saltburn - flamborough head

    River Esk at Whitby supplies limited amounts
    sediment from subcell 1d which comes from nearshore areas driven onshore by historic sea level rise
  • net increase of sediment between 2008 and 2011 at saltburn

    9200 metres cubed
  • cliffs at saltburn - flamborough head

    horizontal bedding = vertical cliff face
    cliffs at FB made of chalk = strong lithology
    cliffs between Robin Hood's bay and Saltburn are higher and have a stepped profile due to varied geology of more resistant sandstone and limestone, and less resistant clay and shale
  • shore platforms at saltburn to flamborough head
    Robin Hood's bay
    platform has width of 500 metres
  • headlands/bays at saltburn - flamborough head
    discordant planform
    robin hood's bay and filey bay
    Ness point and Flamborough head - chalk
  • beaches at saltburn - flamborough head
    Scarborough and Filey bay
  • modification of saltburn to flamborough head
    minutes - mass movement/cliff erosion
    daily - tidal changes = temp micro features e.g., cusps
    seasonal - winter = more destructive waves = increased erosion
    decade - development of erosional and depositional landforms e.g., spits and headlands
    millenia - development of wave cut platforms
  • low energy coastline
    nile delta - egypt
  • key ideas - nile delta
    2 main distributaries = rosetta and damietta
    arcuate delta
    deposition > erosion rates for 3000 years
  • conditions under which nile delta forms
    nile = vast sediment load
    small fetch due to internal mediterranean sea - 750km
    gently sloping continental shelf
    warm climate favouring vegetation growth
    minimal tidal energy = minimal erosion
  • formation of nile delta
    nile transports large sediment load
    heavy particles settle to sea floor rapidly and meet saline sea water
    silt/clay particles flocculate on continental shelf
    delta builds up
    colonised adding stabilisation
  • key landforms of nile delta
    promontories from river mouth
    burullus spit
    Abu Qir bay
    sand dunes
  • interrelation of landforms at rosetta promontory
    deposition where nile meets med. sea
    longshore drift and ocean currents move sediment east = deposition
    formation of bar across Burullus lagoon
  • interrelation of landforms at damietta promontory
    build up of fluvial sediment by Nile
    erosion from north west winds
    material transported east by longshore drift to Port Said, building up spits and bars across Manzala Lagoon
    formation of salt marshes due to sheltered water
  • interrelation of landforms across whole coastline at nile delta

    onshore winds have blown sand inland to create sand dunes
    low tidal range = erosion more concentrated = not a lot of sand is wet from tides = wind is able to pick it up and transport sand
  • influence of human activity on nile delta
    construction of Aswan dam causing decreased fluvial deposits
    north west facing beaches are eroded due to lack of sediment
    accelerated erosion and coastal retreat - 148m/year in some areas
  • seasonal changes in interrelation
    winter winds = stronger = more extreme waves removing sediment from delta front creating underwater sand bars (negative feedback)
  • some landforms of nile delta are less interrelated
    west of Abu Qir headland, bars are more influenced by local rip currents than LSD
    east of Abu Qir headland, bars heavily influenced by eastward moving LSD currents
  • modifications of nile delta
    daily - little change due to minimal wave energy
    seasonal - increase in wind energy = destructive waves e.g., 4-8m of erosion at Abu Qir
    millenia - aswan high dam resulting in overall net erosion, 10% of water in Lake Nasser evaporates per year - required for flocculation, construction of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance dam = lower levels of sediment yield