growing peace movement

Cards (13)

  • what was the growing peace movement in USA?
    -peace movement against war that began to grow in late 60s
  • when did it begin to grow significantly?
    -between 1965 and 1967
    -Coinciding with start op rolling thunder
  • where did the peace movement in USA grow?
    -all over US
    -1967 saw over 100,000 protesters at Lincoln memorial in Washington
  • why did did the peace movement grow?
    -some questioned morality of USs involvement
    -broadcast of images from war impact on peoples views
    -war was costing lots in lives and money
    -draft system was unfair
    -civil rights impacted peoples views
  • morality
    -Asked why America was involved with the affairs of another country
    -America was not helping south Vietnam defend itself it was attacking North Vietnam
  • role of TV
    -Helped move public opinion against the war
    -Saw young soldiers being killed or injured
    -Saw victims of napalm, search and destroy and agent orange
  • role of civil rights
    -Martin luther king spoke against war in 1967
    -felt war was immoral and money should be spent on domestic programmes to improve Americans lives
    -spoke about inequalities of recruitment of troops
  • cost of war role
    -by 1967 war was costing US 30 billion a year
    -by 1967 casualties had reached 15000 dead and 100000 injured
    -other important areas of economy were neglected
  • draft role
    -many young men were forced to fight a war they didn't agree with
    -some moved countries to avoid draft
    -some burned draft cards in protest
    -many refused to fight and were called "draft dodgers"
  • US tactics role
    -operation rolling thunder in 1965 increased anti war feeling
    -people didn't agree with the aggressive bombing of north Vietnam
  • how did Tet offensive increase anti war feel?
    -even after all the money US had spent on war Vietcong still easily attacked US embassy in Saigon
    -Many cities were destroyed and civilians and soldiers killed
    -US public did not want to be associated with this destruction
  • how did people protest?
    -many young men burnt there draft cards publicly
    -October 1967 100,000 people protested at Washington Lincoln memorial
    -Singers wrote anti-war songs
  • what was the impact of the growing peace movement?
    -personal criticism against Johnson made him declare he would not run for next election in 1968
    -significant factor in USAs withdrawal from vietnam