K's most contentious industrial policies abandoned, eg Regional Economic Councils (Sovnarkhozy) abolished and power placed back in the hands of the central planning apparatus/Gosplan
Balance of power lay, once more, with the conservatives such as Brezhnev who favoured a more Stalinist system
K's decentralising schemes for agriculture were reversed and power was returned to the Ministry of Agriculture
Move away from quick fix solutions to the problems of agriculture through K's pet schemes, eg the Virgin Lands Scheme was dropped
Andropv (1982-84) tried to improve economic performance by making the existing system work better through a tougher, more disciplined approach
He tried to reduce corruption, eg the falsifying of figures to make it look like targets had been met, and the stealing of resources from state enterprises
He tried to improve labour discipline by reducing the amount of absenteeism and alcoholism, eg government officials conducted spot checks for slackers
People were encouraged to come forward with new ideas to improve production