Notting hill key dates

Cards (18)

  • 1963
    Bruce Kenrick sets up the Notting Hill Housing Trust (NHHT) - raised money to provide people with good housing
  • from 1950's
    Portobello market started selling food and veg from the caribbean
  • in the 1960's
    Island records (Jamaican company) moved their base close to portobello (basing street)
  • 1959
    Frank Crichlow opens el rio cafe - served caribbean food
  • 1968
    the Metro club opened in Notting Hill - youth club, community centre and nightclub for black people
  • 1969
    Basing street studios opened - used by bob marley
  • 1966
    the London Free School set up - ran classes for young people and offered support with childcare
  • 1970
    The Black People's Information Centre set up - offered legal support and info on black history
  • 1958
    Notting Hill riots
  • Notting Hill riots key moments
    29 august 1958 - mixed race couple suffered racist abuse from white people outside of a pub
    30 august 1958 - group of white people attacked the home of Caribbean people
  • 1959
    Kelso Cochrane stabbed and murdered by a group of white youths
  • june 1959

    12hr demonstration took place on whitehall to protest about the colour bar
  • 1959
    Oswald Mosely (founder of the british union of facists) stood for parliament and got humiliated with only 8 % of the votes
  • 1958
    Claudia Jones set up the West Indian Gazette - first major black owned newspaper
  • Jan 1959
    first Caribbean carnival in notting hill
  • from 1966
    Rhaune Laslett (president of the london free school) developed notting hill carnival
  • 1968
    British black panthers (BBP) founded - campaigned for civil rights and against police brutality
  • August 1970
    March organised to protest about the police harassment of the Mangrove restaurant (over 150 people took part)