Transtheoretical model

Cards (10)

  • Pre-contemplation - being unaware or ‘in denial’ of problem behaviour.
  • Contemplation - weighing up pros and cons, but they may focus on the barriers to change.
  • Preparation - collect information on behaviour change, identifying goals and making plans.
  • Action - actions are taken towards achieving a goal, may seek the support of others.
  • Maintenance - their actions may become habitual and temptations will actively be avoided.
  • Relapse - this can occur at any stage and restarts the whole process.
  • The theory only focuses individual cognitions in relation to behaviour change.
  • Theory fails to recognise the role external factor that may create barriers to changes
  • There is no set criteria to determine which stage a person is in.
  • The model assumes that an individual is logical and coherent in their decision making.