Hurricane Katrina

Cards (9)

  • Hurricane Katrina Case Study
  • Factual Info:
    Date: August 2005
    Location: New Orleans (state of Louisiana), USA
    Magnitude: Category 5
    Track: Formed over Bahamas, strengthened over warm water of Gulf of Mexico- Cate. 3 as hit Mississippi & Louisiana
  • Causes:
    - Near the equator= prone to tropical storms
    - Warm sea temp. at 27 degrees= ideal condition
    - Heavy rain & high wind speeds (280km/h), picked up waves in the Atlantic Ocean Brought= 7m storm surge
  • Risks & vulnerabilities of area & people:
    - Global warming= high sea temp. & for longer
    - Gulf Coast= 1 of world's main hurricane zones
    - New Orleans 2m below sea level= prone to flooding
    - New Orleans levee system failed during storm & only able to withstand cate. 3 storm= 80% of city flooded
    - New Orleans= densely pop. w/ 80% living in poverty- not built to correct standards due to poor leadership
    - Gov. slow response only 600,000 evacuated= many trapped in city due to traffic congestion/no transport= high death toll
    - 150,000 remained
  • Primary Impacts:
    - 1800 deaths
    - 600,000 evacuated & 25,000 to Superdome but poor sanitation, no elec. & roof ripped off
    - French quarter= poorer people/AA most affected- lived close to levees- deprivation/high unemployment= no access to transport/bus (80% living in poverty)
    - White people lived on higher/safer group, exposing & intensifying racial tensions, as most victims AA (political)
    Econ/Social- 200,000 homes/businesses destroyed= job loss
    Economic- $200 billion damage
    Environmental- 80% of New Orleans flooded
  • Secondary Impacts:
    Social/Econ/Environ- Flooding= oil spill & sewage, polluted water supplies= deaths from contaminated water, damaged coastal habitats/salt marshes & oil industry disrupted/prices shot up & damages
    Social/Econ- Bridge collapsed (main route out New Orleans) many trapped in city, unable to evacuation
    Econ- Tourism decreased
    Econ- Looting
  • Short-term Responses:
    - Monitoring systems tracked path
    - Compulsory evacuation (3/4 evacuated w/ 25,000 to Louisiana Superdome- emergency shelter)
    - Supplies and helicopters/ boats positioned around areas likely to be affected
    - President slow to declare state of emergency
    - $50b from federal reserves &aid from neighbouring countries
    - S&R teams & medical supplies
  • Long-term Responses:
    - National aid, e.g. FEMA paid for 25,000 mobile homes= $900m (virtually unused- own regs. of not building on floodplains where most people lived)- criticised for slow response
    - Rebuild damaged housing & infra.
    - Raised levees & floodwalls to withstand cate. 5 storms
    - Expanded satellite network to better predict storms & improved broadcasting stations
  • Factors which affected the responses:
    - Insufficient planning for the event (President slow to declare state of emergency) & slow aid
    - Failure of public transport & poor maintenance of levees
    - Bridge (main route out of New Orleans) collapsed
    - Prepared through advanced warning & monitoring systems
    - Large supply of resources