human activity at coast

Cards (25)

  • intentional management case study

    holderness coastline
  • key stats/ideas - holderness

    europes fastest eroding coastline
    2m/yr disappearing
    retreated 4km since roman times
    29 villages lost
  • geology of holderness coast
    composed of soft boulder clays deposited by ice sheets
    structurally weak lithology
    surrounded by chalk - stronger lithology
  • influence of fetch/waves at holderness
    fetch = 800km
    amplified by currents from atlantic increasing energy
    intense weather systems and winter storms
    deep sea floor = no friction to slow waves
  • lsd at holderness
    boulder clay erodes fast into small particles = easily transported by LSD and so doesnt accumulate infront of cliffs = no layer of protection
    beaches = narrow so fail to absorb wave energy
  • why manage? - holderness (ECONOMIC)
    number of visitors declining
    some villages cant sustain shops due to low population
    gas terminal at Easington at risk - 25% of britains gas
    80,000km squared of farmland lost annually
  • why manage? - holderness (SOCIAL)
    properties at risk have no equity so owners receive no financial aid as compensation
  • why manage? - holderness (ENVIRONMENTAL)

    wildlife behind spurn head losing diversity due to lack of sediment
    certain sites of special scientific interest are threatened
  • management at easington
    £4.5 million rock armour at cliff foot to protect gas terminal
    ? doesnt protect villages
  • management at mappleton
    2 rock groynes - 1991 £2million
    cliff face regraded = less steep
    !! groynes prevent removal of beach = locally affected
    !! cliff more stable
    ? cliffs slumping again
    ? large rocks behind 2nd groyne undermined
    ? cliff face below car park undermined
    ? groynes = sediment deficit at Cowden = increased erosion rates 2.5-3.8m/yr 1991-2007
  • management at hornsea
    groynes repaired + new ones constructed - £5.2 million
    sea wall raised
    sea dunes replanted
    beach nourishment
    !! sand dunes stabilised
    !! groynes locally effective at lower cost
    ? groynes rarely effective on their own
    ? beach nourishment easily undone by storm events
    ? costs limit length of wall
  • unintentional management case study
    mangawhai - pakiri coastline
  • key ideas/statistics - mangawhai pakiri
    mining rates of 75,000m3 at pakiri
    1994-2004 = 165km/yr3 extracted
    extraction rates 5x higher than inputs
    1978 = 28m breach of spit
  • sand mining at pakiri
    used for replenishing auklands beaches and construction industry
  • impacts of sand mining at mangawhai - pakiri
    movement of sediment between stores decreased
    beaches experiencing sediment deficit = wider/flatter = less effective at absorbing wave energy
    dunes and spit vulnerable = 2 breaches of spit altered tidal currents leading to increased sedimentation of harbour
    little input from rivers
    coastal retreat is evident and long term retreat estimated at 35metres by end of century
  • management at mangawhai - pakiri

    dredging of harbour and groynes on spit
    2years of monitoring occurs before mining can begin
    push to ban sand mining
  • positive impacts of coastalisation - australia
    main port/industry = jobs
    house prices cheaper in small towns nearer coast
  • positive impacts of coastalisation - florida

    value of property = $1.9 trillion
  • positive impacts of coastalisation - bournemouth
    growth of service sector
  • positive impacts of coastalisation - boscome surf reef
    attracts surfers - spend 8% more than average tourists
  • negative effects of coastalisation - florida
    wetlands shrunk by 80% so providing freshwater is hard
    more people at risk from hurricanes, flooding, storm surges
  • negative impacts of coastalisation - bournemouth
    coastal squeeze as city is squashed between coast and rural green belt
  • negative impacts of coastalisation - jurassic coast

    problems with traffic congestion, littering and dune tramping
    fossil hunters disturb rocky shore
    jet/water skiing is noisy + swash impacts plant life
  • negative impacts of coastalisation - boscome surf reef

    noisy for locals
    car parking shortages
  • negative impacts of coastalisation - fawley oil industry
    salt marsh decreases in size