Pain or distress caused by injury, illness or loss, suffering can be physical, emotional, physiological or spiritual
A persons moral sense of right and wrong, religious people believe it is the inner guidance from God
The belief that war and violence are unjustifiable ALWAYS WRONG
Principles and standards determining which action are right or wrong
Fairness and equality of opportunity
Free will
The ability to make choices voluntarily and independently
To grant pardon for wrongdoing; to give up resentment and the desire to seek revenge against the wrong doer
Good- that which is considered morally right, or beneficial and to our advantage
Evil- that which is considered extremely immoral, wicked and wrong
The spritual aspect of a being which connects with God. Soul is immortal
Sanctity of life
The belief that life precious or sacred because humans are made in (imago dei)
Quality of life
The extent to which life is meaningful and pleasurable
When a pregnancy is ended by the deliberate removal of the foetus from the womb so that it does not result in the birth of child
The process by which different living creatures are developed from earlier less complex forms
From Greek ‘euthanatos’ sometimes referred to as mercy killing. Act of killing someone directly or indirectly as it may be the best option
Environmental responsibility
The duty upon human beings to respect, care for and preserve the natural environment (stewardship)
Life after death, belief that existence continued after physical death
Absolute Poverty- an acute state of deprivation, whereby a person cannot access the most basic of their human needs.
Relative poverty- a standard of poverty measured in relation to the standards of a society in which a person lives in. Eg. Living on less than average uk income
Nature of humanity
Born with original sin, soul, stewards
Crucified at Golgotha ( place of the skull) Jesus said ‘my God, my God why have you forsaken me’ at his death. Jesus died next to 2 criminals
-Keep the sabbath holy, God rested ,fulfilling mitzvot, brings closer to God, Strengthens family
Jewish Funerals
Cut tzit tzits, dress in white to show all equal, no flowers, bury body, resurrection of dead, 7 days, cover mirrors