Cards (29)

  • Partial budget
    Enumeration of the benefit of proposed action
  • Partial budget analysis enumerates the revenue foregone of proposed action
  • Calculating benefit-cost ratio of proposing the Foot and Mouth disease vaccination for small-scale dairy cattle farms in Vietnam
    1. Additional cost
    2. Foregone revenue
    3. Saved cost
    4. Additional revenue
  • Benefit-cost ratio of 4.63 means to proceed with FMD vaccination for small scale dairy farms
  • Items not in partial budgeting categories
    • Costs no longer incurred such as veterinary expenses
    • Additional costs incurred due to the control procedure such as drugs and management procedures
    • Lower disease incidence due to adoption of a proposed control program
    • Forgone returns such as income lost from a reduced number of culled animals
  • Optimal level of expenditure for Mastitis prevention
    Point X
  • Avian Influenza outbreak
    • Premature mortality of chicken
    • Reduces the number of eggs being produced
    • Could affect human well-being directly
    • Reduce the total value a society gains from produced eggs
    • Diagnosis costs in the distribution chain
    • Lowers the feed conversion rate
  • Isoquant curve
    Reflects the combinations of two inputs that result in a particular level of output
  • Stages of production
    • Stage I
    • Stage II
    • Stage III
  • At stage 1, total production is increasing at a decreasing rate and marginal physical product is higher than average physical product
  • Animal production economics
    A social science that deals with how consumer, producers and society can choose among the alternatives uses of scarce resources in the process of producing, exchanging and consuming animal products
  • Types of resources at dairy farm
    • Water
    • Milk
  • Modelling process
    1. Problem
    2. Make assumption
    3. Construct model
    4. Solve model
    5. Validate solution
    6. Interpret solution
  • Determining number of units to sell to gain a profit of RM60,000
    1. Variable cost per unit = RM5
    2. Fixed cost = RM50,000
    3. Selling price per unit = RM15
    4. Profit = RM60,000
  • Calculating break-even point in units
    1. Variable cost per pack = RM5.50
    2. Fixed cost = RM300
    3. Selling price per pack = RM15
  • Resources
    Physical factors and services that are the basis for generating the products, and as such, are the starting point of economic activity
  • Types of inputs
    • Building
    • Machine
    • Feed
    • Price of beef
    • Treatment
  • Total revenue

    Market price of meat (RM/kg) x Quantity of meat sold (kg)
  • Opportunity cost is Alternative 2 (Vaccination alone and obtain a net present value of RM 5 million)
  • Expenditure (E)
    Treatment and prevention of mastitis
  • If marginal product is equal to average product, then average product is not changing
  • Designing, launching and running a new business is not related to the economics of animal health decision making
  • Finding profit functions

  • Finding total cost functions
  • Finding total revenue functions
  • Finding break-even point (RM)
  • Finding functional total cost, TC (Q)
    250,000 + 10Q
  • Finding quantity to be sold if target profit is RM50,000
    12,000 units
  • Finding function of profit earned by the company