Content analysis and coding

Cards (10)

  • Describe what is meant be content analysis
    • A type of observational design
    • When people are studied via communication they have produced
  • What type of communications can be studied indirectly through content analysis?
    • Spoken interactions - speech or conversation
    • Written forms - texts or emails
    • The media - books, magazines and TV
  • What is the first stage of content analysis?
    • Coding
    • Involves categorising data into meaningful units - as it might be too large
  • Describe how coding can be carried out?
    • Counting up the number of times a particular word or phrase appears in the text
    • Allows researcher to produce quantitative data
  • Describe what is meant by thematic analysis in content analysis and how it might be carried out
    • A theme refers to any recurrent idea throughout research- recurrent ideas topics and patterns within the content
    • They are more descriptive than coding units
    • It can be done by identifying themes which content and noting down how any times they appear
  • Explain how content analysis doesn’t have any ethical issues
    • The material to study - TV, magazines and films are likely already in the public domain
    • There is no issue obtaining any consent
  • Describe how content analysis is a flexible method - AO3
    • It can be adapted to produce quantitative and qualitative data
    • Depending on what’s required
    • This makes it a flexible approach that can be adapted to be adapted to suit the aims of any type of research
  • Explain how the context in which content analysis is carried out in my limit it’s findings - AO3
    • The researcher may make assumptions and attribute certain motivations to the speaker or writer which were not intended
    • This likely reduces the validity of the conclusions drawn
  • Explain how content analysis may lack objectivity - AO3
    • May lack objectivity in more descriptive themes like thematic analysis
    • This bias may threaten the validity of the findings and conclusions
  • What is meant by reflexivity?
    • A way for researchers to understand their lack of objectivity
    • Researchers examining one's own assumption, belief, and judgement systems, and thinking carefully and critically about how these influence the research process.