Phospholipid bilayer with proteins embedded in the bilayer. Carbohydrates on extracellular surface.
Only in eukaryotes
Selectivelypermeable barrier between internal and external environments of a cell.
Cytoplasm- function and structure- proka and euka
No set structure: mainly fluid (the cytosol) which contains dissolved substances and enzymes. Site of many cell reactions, e.g. anaerobic respiration.
Mesosome- proka only
Infolding of the plasma membrane. Increases surfacearea of membrane. Higher rate of absorption of nutrients / excretion of wastes. Enzymes for respiration, photosynthesis are attached to membranes.
Nucleoid - proka only
Circular DNA molecules free in cytoplasm.
carries bacterialgenetic code. The main DNA molecule in the cell.
Peptidoglycan cell wall- structure
Rigid layer composed of sugars with aminoacidside chains.
β bonding enables crosslinks to form between molecules of peptidoglycan to form microfibrils.
Peptide bonds provide stronger links than hydrogen bonding in cellulose.
Mitochondria- structure
This organelle has a double membrane.
The inner membrane is folded to form cristae. The folding increases the surface area for the attachment of enzymes that are used in aerobic respiration.
The molecule of DNA and 70S ribosomes enables mitochondria to synthesise their own proteins and to self-replicate (make copies of themselves).
Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)- structure
RER is a series of flattenedmembrane-bound sacs which are joined at some points to the nuclearenvelope.
It is covered in ribosomes.
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)- structure
SER is a series of flattenedmembrane-bound sacs which may be joined at some points to the nuclearenvelope.
It can also be attached to RER. SER has no ribosomes attached.
Ribosomes- structure
Made of twosub-units each containing ribosomalRNA – rRNA and proteins.
Ribosomes in prokaryotic cells are small, 70S, and are free in the cytoplasm.
Ribosomes in eukaryotic cells are larger, 80S, and can be found free in the cytoplasm and attached to RER.
Golgi body- structure- euka only
These are series of flattenedmembrane-bound sacs called cisternae.
The cisternae are formed by the fusion of transportvesicles from RER.
Nucleus- structure
An organelle with twomembranes forming the nuclearenvelope.
Nuclear pores in the nuclear envelope enable communication between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
mRNA leaves the nucleus through nuclear pores.
Chromatin is made from DNA and histone proteins.
Each nucleus can contain one or more nucleolus.
Nucleolus- euka only
A region of the nucleus which is darklystained. Made from condensedchromatin.
The nucleolus is responsible for the synthesis of ribosomalRNA and the production of the ribosomalsub-units.
In highly active cells there can be several nucleoli.
Centrioles- animal cells - structure
Each centriole is made from 9 sets of three microtubules.
A pair of centrioles is called a centrosome.
A centriole is identical to the basal body of a flagellum / cilium.
Chloroplasts- structure
A doublemembrane with membrane-bound sacs inside.
The internal membranes form structures called thylakoids which are stacked to form grana.
Starch grains may be present.
Each chloroplast has a molecule of DNA and 70Sribosomes which enables it to synthesise its own proteins and to self-replicate (make copies of itself).
Plasmodesmata- plant cell only
Plasmodesmata (one = plasmodesma) are channels of cytoplasm that pass from one plant cell to another through the cellwalls. Plasmodesmata enable substances to diffuse directly from one plant cell to another without having to cross cellmembranes or cellwalls.
Plant cells usually have a large, permanentvacuole, a fluid-filled sac- surrounded by a membrane called the tonoplast. The fluid inside a vacuole is called cellsap.
The vacuole stores water, nutrients and wastes. When full / turgid, the vacuole pushes against the cell membrane which increases turgour pressure in the cell and gives shape to the cell.
Cellulosecellwall-plants only
All plant cells have a cell wall containing cellulose. Cellulose microfibrils are made from beta glucose and are laid down in layers in different directions. Other chemicals, e.g. pectin and some proteins, are also found in the cell wall.
Provides a strong, permeable layer which supports and protects the cell. Cellulose makes the cell wall tough (due to the large number of hydrogen bonds between microfibrils) but flexible.
plasmids- proka only
carry additional genes, e.g. antibiotic resistance genes and can be passed from one bacterium to another.
peptidoglycan cell wall- proka only
Determines the shape of the bacterial cell. Protection from toxic compounds. Protection from osmotic effects.
mitochondria - function- euka only
Mitochondria synthesise ATP during aerobic respiration and produce most of the ATP in a eukaryotic cell.
RER - FUNCTION- euka only
The RER transports polypeptides synthesised by the ribosomes to the Golgi body. The ends pinch off to form transport vesicles containing polypeptides which then fuse to form Golgi bodies.
SER - FUNCTION- euka only
SER is involved in the synthesis and transport of lipids in eukaryotic cells.
ribosomes - function- euka only
Ribosomes carry out the translation stage of protein synthesis. They translate the code carried by messenger RNA – mRNA into chains of amino acids – polypeptides. This is where amino acids get joined together by peptide bonds to form polypeptides.
golgi body - function- euka only
Polypeptides are modified and processed by the addition of carbohydrate – glycosylation and the tertiary / quaternary structure of the final protein forms.
The proteins, e.g. enzymes, are then packaged into: secretory vesicles which release their contents to the outside of the cell, lysosomes which release their contents into vesicles inside the cell usually to digest the contents of those vesicles.
nucleus - function- euka only
DNA in the chromosomes carries the genetic code which codes for polypeptides.
It is responsible for controlling cell activities through the synthesis of different types of RNA.
centriole - function- animal cell only
Centrioles are responsible for producing and organising the spindle fibres that control cell division in animals.
Flagella are made from microtubules and are able to move a whole cell, e.g. the tail of a sperm cell.
Cilia are shorter and large numbers of them are used to move liquids over the surface of the cell, e.g. ciliated epithelium moving mucus out of the lungs.
chloroplast - function
Photosynthesis to produce glucose for respiration and carbohydrates to use as the building block for all organic compounds in a plant. Photosynthesis involves transferring light energy to chemical energy in ATP and then transferring the energy in ATP into glucose.
prokaryotic cells
DNA not enclosed in a nuclear membrane
unicellular - protoctista
prokaryotic cell organelles
ribosomes 70s
circular DNA
plasma membrane
peptidoglycan cell wall
eukaryotic cells
DNA enclosed in a nuclear membrane
multicellular - plantanimalfungi
larger than proka - 10 to 100 nanometres
euka cell organelles -plant
cellulose cell wall
nucleus contain DNA in linear chromo
ribosomes 80s
large permenant vacuole
euka cell organelles - animal
golgi vesicle
microtubule radiating from centrosome
ribosome 80s
plasma membrane
centrosome with 2 centrioles close to nucleus and at right angles