Emotional support - listening to a person and empathising with them.
Esteem support involves helping to adapt to a positive sense of self with the person who is stressed.
Instrumental support giving practical help to a person who is overwhelmed.
Men prefer instrumental support.
Women prefer emotional support.
When supported by other we relax more and this reduces physiological symptoms of stress.
Cohen dilberatly exposed people to the cold virus. It was found that those who had the most hugs had less chance of becoming ill and had less severe symptoms if ill.
Biofeedback involves people be trained to use relaxation techniques.
Biofeedback - monitors the physiological effect of techniques used.
Biofeedback users develop skills that they can use in future situations
SSRIs increase levels of serotonin, low levels of this are associated with anxiety.
Betablockers slow heart rate by blocking receptor site from adrenaline on heart muscle.
Drugs only treat the symptoms of stress but do not get to the route cause.
Mindfulness helps a person to live in the moment.
Mindfulness shows significant improvements in acute anxiety.
CBT aims to improve the mental health of an individual by actively changing the way they think.
SIT is a form of CBT which aims to protect people from the psychological and physiological effects of stress.
SIT is an ethical treatment as there are no side effects or dependence issues.
SIT is high demand on time and energy.
Exercise reduces the levels of stress hormones in the bloodstream and elevates the levels of endorphins.
Exercise promotes healthy lifestyles, if someone is worried about physical health this will help to reduced their worries.
Counselling involves talking with a therapist to help an individual understand what is causing their stress.
Counselling may only work for those who are good communicators