used to eliminateinfectionproduced by invadingbacterialcells
types of antibiotics?
how can antibiotics be categorised?
broad , narrowspectrum
overuse of antibiotics leads to ?
increase in antibiotic-resistancestrains of bacteria
harder to treat
bactericidal antibiotics?
changecell wall or plasma membrane structure
bacteriostatic antibiotics?
stop reproduction
antiviral used to fight agains?
viral infections
how do antivirals work?
preventvirus from developing further in body, rather than completely destroying it.
why? Virus occupieshostcells to replicate in body, hence any substance that destroys viral particleswill likely destroy body cellstoo
what is a vaccine?
prepared biological material deliberately introduced into body to produceimmune response
contains AG of specific pathogen- > Immune system form AB to destroy pathogen, formsMemory cells-> remember response and responds same if pathogen re-enters.
parts of pathogen -> induce immune response
safer than attenuated: can't reproduce, few side effects (less material)
inability to cause disease while retaining AG properties
madewith adjuvants; increase effectiveness
recombinant vac?
non-pathogen microbes genetically engineered -> make desired AG fragmentes
bacterial inactivated toxins
increase AB production
eg. tetanus
accelluar vac?
fragments of whole agent vac containing desired AG
can't cause infection
very effective
AGmodified to reduce virulence
can mutateback to virulentform
eg. MMR
less effective
noinfection risk
eg influenza
what is a vaccine?
substance containing non self AG
used to produce AB
immunity against one or more disease
define antibiotic drug?
chemicalkill / inhibitbacteria growth
define antiviral drug?
suppressvirus'sability to replicate and hence inhibits capability to multiply and reproduce
when do u adminster vaccines?
before person ill
when do you administer Abio or AViral?
when person ill
which one (vac, Abio,Aviral) is long term?
function of vac?
trainimmune system to recognise and combat pathogens
put body through primary response
produce Memory cells
function of antibiotic drug?
kill by:
destroy cell wall
prevent protein synthesis
antiviral function?
uses proteins to stopvirusreplicating
stop attachment to hostcell, replication of viral components using host cells machinery