Cards (25)

  • What is a gene mutation? 

    A change in the base sequence of DNA.
  • When do gene mutations occur?
    During DNA replication.
  • What types of gene mutation are there?
    A base could be deleted, an extra base could be inserted, or one base could be substituted for a different base.
  • What is a substitution mutation also known as?
    A point mutation because the substitution happens at a single point (one base) on the DNA.
  • The genetic code is degenerate. What does this mean?

    More than one triplet codes for the same amino acid.
  • Do all substitution mutations alter the protein being coded?
    No, because the genetic code is degenerate so the same amino acid could be coded by the triplet containing the mutation.
  • What level of protein structure will be affected if a mutation does have an effect?
    Primary - the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide could be altered.
  • What is a mutagenic agent?
    Anything that increases the rate of gene mutation above the normal level.
  • Give some examples of mutagenic agents.
    Radiation (UV, gamma, X-rays, alpha and beta particles etc), heavy metals (mercury, lead) and some chemicals.
  • What is a chromosome mutation?
    A change in the number of chromosomes that should be present in a cell nucleus.
  • When do chromosome mutations occur?
    During meiosis.
  • What does chromosome non-disjunction mean?
    Either two chromosomes or two sister chromatids do not split from each other when they should do during meiosis.
  • State examples of inherited disorders that arise from chromosome non-disjunction.
    Down syndrome (trisomy 21), Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18) and Patau syndrome (trisomy 13).
  • What does the term diploid mean?

    A cell that contains two complete sets of chromosomes, one from each parent. We can also call it 2n algebraically.
  • What does the term haploid mean?

    A cell that contains only one complete set of chromosomes, from one parent. Also called n, algebraically.
  • What does n refer to when discussing haploid and diploid cells?
    n is the number of pairs of homologous chromosomes.
  • What types of cells are haploid?
    Gametes are always haploid cells. This means when they fertilise the resulting cell is diploid.
  • Describe the daughter cells that arise from meiosis.
    Genetically different from each other and are haploid cells.
  • How many daughter cells arise from a cell undergoing meiosis?
    Meiosis generates four haploid daughter cells from each diploid parent cell.
  • Why is it important that meiosis is able to generate haploid cells
    Haploid gametes which can then be fertilised by another gamete maintains the chromosome number across generations.
  • How many times does the nucleus usually divide during meiosis?
    During meiosis the nucleus usually divides twice to form four haploid daughter cells.
  • What processes cause the haploid gametes to be genetically different?
    During meiosis, crossing over and independent segregation cause daughter cells to be genetically different.
  • How does independent segregation cause genetic variation?
    Independent segregation recombines maternal and paternal chromosomes when they align at the metaphase plate.
  • How does crossing over cause genetic variation?
    Crossing over recombines maternal and paternal alleles when the chromosomes align at the metaphase plate.
  • Besides processes in meiosis, how else is genetic variation increased?
    Fertilisation is random, as any combination of egg and sperm can potentially fertilise and become a zygote.