Hypersensitivity to substances provoking an immune response, causing symptoms like hay fever, eczema, and food allergies.
Treatment to desensitize the immune system to allergens.
Disease causing airway spastic contractions, triggered by allergens, cold air, exertion, coughing, or laughing.
Diabetes Mellitus
Group of disorders impairing insulinproduction or absorption, leading to hyperglycemia and symptoms like excessive urination and thirst.
Type I Diabetes
Caused by pancreas' lack of insulin secretion, affecting younger individuals who require daily insulin injections.
Type II Diabetes
Metabolic disease where body cells are insulin desensitized, managed with diet and exercise.
Gestational Diabetes
Develops during pregnancy and increases the risk of Type II diabetes later in life.
Sickle Cell Anemia
Hereditary blood disease affecting African Americans and Hispanics, causing pain, organ damage, and anemia.
Central nervous system disorder causing sudden seizures, categorized into different types like General Tonic-Clonic, Generalized Absence, and Complex Partial Seizures.
General Tonic-Clonic Seizures
Seizure type where the child becomes stiff, jerks, and may stop breathing.
Generalized Absence Seizures
Seizure type where the child 'goes blank' for a short period, often mistaken for daydreaming.
Complex Partial Seizures
Seizure type featuring complex behaviors like chewing, arm movements, confusion, and dizziness.