Cards (4)

  • Mining
    Adv. - minerals found near volcanoes, jobs are created
    Disadv. - working conditions are unsafe (74 workers in sulphur mines have died in the past 40 years.
    Worth it? Not worth it in LIC's but it is in HIC's as they can afford to make it safe.
  • Geothermal energy
    Adv, - it is renewable, approx. 37% of Iceland's electricity is provided from this, provides heat and hot water for 90% of all buildings.
    Disadv. - it can make the ground unstable
    Worth it? Yes because there is effective monitoring o=if a danger occurs. So people can get out and avoid danger
  • Fertile soils
    Adv. - can grow many plants, lemon trees and grapes, these soils are 1% of the earths surface but supplies 10% of the earth population
    Disadv. - lava and ash kills livestock, have to wait thousands of years for it to weather
    Worth it? Yes because it supplies so much
  • Tourism
    Adv. - Yellowstone attracts 3 million tourists a year and has 2000 rooms and created 5000 jobs, E15 attracts 1 million tourists a year
    Disadv. - it ruins the natural beauty in the area with waste and air pollution