Lear then arrives and wakes up Kent who is still sleeping in the stocks. Lear is shocked at Kent's treatment, complaining 'tis worse than murder / To do upon respect such violent outrage'. He is further outraged when Gloucester tells him that Regan and Cornwall will not see him. They finally appear and Lear complains to Regan that Goneril 'hath tied / Sharp-toothed unkindness, like a vulture, here'. Regan tells her father to return to Goneril and 'Say you have wronged her'. When Goneril herself arrives, Regan takes her hand and together they tell Lear they will look after him in their homes, but not his knights. Goneril asks 'What need you five-and-twenty, ten, or five, / To follow in a house where twice so many / Have a command to tend you?' Lear calls his daughters 'unnatural hags' and walks away from the castle as a storm is brewing.