Regan and Goneril are angry to hear of Gloucester's betrayal, Regan says 'Hang him instantly' and Goneril adds 'Pluck out his eyes.' Oswald arrives with news that Lear and 'Some five- or six-and-thirty of his knights' have gone toward Dover, where they boast / To have well-arme`d friends.' Goneril sets off back to her house, accompanied by Edmund, while Cornwall sends servants to bring in 'the traitor Gloucester'.
Gloucester is brought in and protests 'Good my friends, consider you are my guests / Do me no foul play, friends' but he is tied to a chair and interrogated. He tells Regan he has sent Lear to Dover 'because I would not see thy cruel nails / Pluck out his poor old eyes'. In response, Cornwall gouges out one of Gloucester's eyes but before he can take out the other eye a servant calls 'Hold your hand, my lord'. Cornwall fights with the servant and kills him then returns to pluck out Gloucester's remaining eye, saying 'Out vile jelly'. Gloucester calls out for Edmund but Regan tells him it was Edmund 'That made the overture of thy treasons to us'.
Gloucester finally realises he has trusted the wrong son. Cornwall has been hurt in the fight with his servant. Regan orders the remaining servants to 'Go thrust him out at gates, and let him smell / His way to Dover' and then helps her bleeding husband.