age inequality

Cards (9)

  • functionalism
    Parsons – organic analogy
    Eisenstadt- new social rules brought with different different ages. For example, middle-age brings marriage.
    Cumming & Henry- old, functional and disengagement theory
  • Marxism
    Castles & Kosack- reserve army of labour or young who are under 14 used as cheap labour and old, who are 65+
    Townsend- political economy theory where in capitalist society they replace old with the new young workers
    Gramsci- false consciousness
  • feminism
    Arber & Ginn- elders are a burden
    Itzin- women’s double standard
  • Interactionism
    Becker- labelling theory
  • Weberianism
    Mckingsley- status decreases as age increases
    Parkin- elderly, invisible
    Turner- stigmatised
    Hockey & James- work
  • post modernism
    Laczko & Phillipson- wealth equals inequality, old
    Blaikie- positive ageism
  • functionalism
    Davis, and moore
  • marxism
  • weberianism

    Barron and Norris
    Weber – status