Beach morphology is the surfaceshape of the beach.
Eustatic sea level change is the global change to sea level
Geology is the structure and arrangement of a rock
Grading is the layering of sediments based on their size
Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) are large sections of a coastline (sediment cells) which are managed with one integrated strategy. Management occurs between different political boundaries
Impermeable is rock that does not allow rainwater to pass through
Isostatic sea level change is a change in localcoastline or land height relative to sea level
Permeable is a rock that allows rainwater to pass through it
Cost-benefit analysis is the evaluation of a coastal town's economic value, compared to the cost of the management required. Costs are tangible and intangible and can be economic or other costs such as visual impact
Shoreline management plan (SMP) identifies all of the activities, both natural and human, which occur within the coastline area of each sediment cell and then recommends a combination of four actions for each stretch of that coastline: hold the line, advance the line, managed realignment and no active intervention
Till is the deposits of angular rock fragments in a finer medium