Part 3

Cards (28)

  • Tensions between east and west
    West Berlin
    > Divided Berlin gave USA foothold inside easter bloc
    > E Germany didn't want communist government- better jobs in W
    > 1949-1961- 2.7 million E germans crossed to W- economy benefited
    > E had skills shortage
    > Looked bad for soviets
    Khrushchev's ultimatum 1958
    > All Berlin belonged to E, troops must leave within 6 months
    > USSR couldn't push W out of Berlin due to less nuclear weapons
  • Paris peace summit and process
    > Failed solution agreed in Geneva and camp David 1959
    > Paris summit 1960- Disaster- Khrushchev stormed out and USA failed to apologise for U2 plane
    > Vienna conference 1961- Khrushchev saw Kennedy's youth as a weakness to exploit
  • Atmosphere of mistrust
    > HUAC- 1938, investigate communist activity
    > 1950- Alger Hiss in state department found guilty on passing secrets to USSR
    > Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for passing nuclear secrets
    > McCarthyism- based on untrue allegations
  • U2 crisis and effects
    > spy plane for information
    > 1 May 1960- Gary Powers shot down + Captured
    > USA denied spy plane
    > Eisenhower refused to say sorry as USSR had spies too
    > Khrushchev stormed out of Paris Peace Summit
  • Reasons for Berlin Wall
    > Khrushchev thought he could take advantage go Kennedy's inexperience issuing the Berlin ultimatum 1958
    > 4 summit meetings 1959-61 failed to resolve problem- Kennedy prepared for nuclear war
    > Khrushchev wanted to look strong but not start nuclear war
    > Western powers stayed in Berlin; W Berlin remained a symbol
    > 1961 E Germans defected every day to W
    > Khrushchev response was to build Berlin Wall Aug 1961
  • Berlin Wall
    > 12 August 1961
    > E germans erected a barbed wired fence around the city between E and W Berlin
    > 3 months.. fence heavily guarded concrete wall- soviet tanks deployed
    > end of oct 1961 oct - W Berlin was completely cut off from E
  • Impact of the wall: Kennedy's response
    > USA official complaint to USSR- Kennedy needed to show his strength
    > Focus shifted away from Germany due to less military alerts
    > W Berlin became symbol of freedom
    > June 1963- Kennedy made a speech to fight communism
    "Thaw" is over
  • Impact of the Wall: the ussr
    > solved refugee problem
    > Humiliation to USSR and propaganda win for USA
    > Showed soviet gave up unifying Berlin under communist rule as Khrushchev had demanded in 1958
    > Khrushchev thought Kennedy had shown weakness by allowing wall to be built which encouraged him to deploy Cuban missiles
  • Kennedy's visit to W Berlin 1963
    > "Ich bien Berliner"
    > Outlined evils of communism
    > Expression of solidarity with the people of W Berlin
    > Kennedy's visit signified USA and NATO prepared to defend W Berlin from communist attack
    > Spoken after cuban missile to prove he was not weak
  • Cuban revolution
    • USA helped Cuba gain independence from Spain in 1989
    • US businesses invested heavily in Cuba land and industry
    • 1933-1958 - Baptista's corrupt government profited
    • Between 1956 and 1958, Castro led a revolution that toppled the government- USA refused to talk to Castro
    • Castro seized USA owned businesses and set up socialist government, built economic links with USSR
  • Why did the Cuban revolution turn into a crisis
    • USA refused to recognise Castro's government
    • Created a trading bloc between USA and Cuba
    • USA was threatened by socialist sphere so close
    • 1961- USA broke all diplomatic relations with Cuba
    • CIA tried to assassinate Castro and failed
    • Convinced Kennedy US backed invasion would solve the problem
  • Bay of Pigs 1961
    CIA told Kennedy
    > Invasion would look like cuban revolt - trained ex Cuban exiles and disguised old US planes as Cuban
    > Castro's control is weak
    > Most Cubans hate Castro - they didn't want corrupt Batista back
    What happened:
    > Planes were recognised as US planes and photographed: World knew USA attacked
    > Castro new of the invasion in advamce and 1400 US troops met 20000 Castro troops
  • Impact of bay of pigs
    > Kennedy was embarrassed and looked weak and inexperienced
    > Castro could claim great victory over mighty USA
    Cats announced he was communist
    Cuba and USSR built closer ties- including defence for Cuba
  • Khrushchev roles in Missile crisis
    • Cuba- fix to scout strategic problems
    • USA had missiles close to USSR (Italy)
    • Khrushchev saw Kennedy as weak and he was keen to increase soviet influence around S America
    • castro saw Soviet missiles as a great way to prevent the USA from invading Cuba
  • Kennedy role and US fears to Cuban missile crisis
    • USA panicked, Kennedy acted decisively- but did not want war
    • USA closed its boarders to precent spread of communism
    • Kenned announced blockade of Cuba
    • US troops were put on DEFCON 3 - close to nuclear war
  • Thirteen days 1962
    Sep- soviet ships carry nuclear warheads and missiles to Cuba
    16 Oct- Kennedy informed that US planes have found missiles on site of Cuba
    20 Oct- Kennedy decides against attack and orders blockade
    24 Oct- USSR say blockade is act of aggression
    25 oct- USA and USSR prepare for nuclear war
    27 Oct- Khrushchev offers to remove missiles form Cuba if USA did from Turkey
    28 OCt- Khrushchev agrees to deal: Missiles withdrawn and USA never attacks Cuba and removes out of Turkey
  • Results of crisis- short term
    Short term :
    > Communist cuba survived as Kennedy gave assurance of no invasion
    > USSR publicly wthdraws missiles, to promote world peace- USA secretly withdrew from Turkey
    > USSR looked weak, Brezhnev replaced Khrushchev
    > US peace lobby gained influence, as their desire to avoid war was withdrawal of US missiles
  • Results of cuban crisis - long term
    > Détente (ease of tension)
    > Hotline between Washington and Moscow
    > Limited Test Ban treaty (1963) - ban all nuclear weapons testing
    > MAD- due to USSR catching up with USA
    > Nuclear non Proliferation treaty- no passing nuclear to other countries
  • Dubček and Prague Spring
    • 1968- made Czechoslovakian leader
    • Good friends with Brezhnev- who believed Dubcek would calm reforms
    • Dubček was communist and supporter of Warsaw pack but wanted communism to be better and easier to live under
    • "Socialism with a human face"
  • Dubček's reforms - Prague Spring
    • Press censorship ended
    • Other parties allowed alongside communist
    • More power given to Czechoslovakian parliament
    • Allowed more capitalist elements
    • Secret police were restricted
  • Effect of Warsaw pact countries of Prague spring
    > Polish students called for their Dubček against their government
    > Brezhnev had a dilemma
  • USSR response to Prague spring
    • thought it would break up Warsaw pact
    • Brezhnev failed to stop Dubček from going further
    • 1968- tanks sent to Prague spring and Dubček arrested
    • Czechoslovakia returned to strict soviet control
  • Brezhnev Doctrine
    • USSR Declared right to invade any eastern block country that was threatening the security of easter bloc
    • USA condemned invasion but did nothing due to dear of war
    • Western European communist part horrified and declared themselves as Independent
    • Yugoslavia and Romania backed off from USSR and USSR was weakened
  • Effects of Brezhnev Doctrine on west
    • USA and W Germany condemned invasion and improving relations ended
    • offered no military support or assistance
    • USA was occupied in Vietnam
    • France and Italy cut links with USSR
    • did not damage Détente
    • fewer than 100 Czechs died form invasion
  • Effect on east of Brezhnev Doctrine
    • Limited reforms in other Warsaw pact countries
    • Poland doll lowed policies hat ignored public opinions- demanded change
    • Invasion strengthened society grip on Eastern bloc
    • Romania and Yugoslavia signed alliances with Communist china
    • Protest in china- increased division between China and USSR
  • Reasons of Détente
    • China-soviet split
    • Arms race- Cuba marked attempts of reduced tension, hotline, partial test ban treaty
    • Domestic- arms and space race cost billions of dollars- USSR faced bankruptcy - USA faced social issues and protests at home
    • Vietnam- War showed military dominance didn't guarantee victory- both USA and USSR focused on indirect action
  • SALT 1 ( Strategic Arms limitation treaty) 1972
    • No further production of strategic ballistic weapons
    • no increase number of international ballistic weapons
    • NO nuclear isle launchers
    • Anti-ballistic missiles treaty limited both sides
  • Roles of Brezhnev and Nixon
    • Nixon- anti- communist whole life- Eisenhower's VP
    • Brezhnev- successor of Khrushchev and Politburo of Stalin
    • Their experience helped them make progress where young leaders failed
    • Nixon mad historic visits to Moscow and china