inside bacteria

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  • bacteria are difficult to see with a light microscope because they are very small and colourless. stains are often used to make them show up
  • the extra magnification and resolution of an electron microscope allow scientists to see bacteria in more detail
  • flagellum - spins around so the bacterium can move
  • chromosomal dna - controls the cells activities
  • plasmid - controls a few of the cells activities
  • prokaryotic - does not have a nucleus
  • the cytoplasm contains one large loop of chromosomal dna
  • prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus, mitochondria or chloroplasts.
  • flagellum is not covered in a membrane and not all bacteria have them but some have many
  • slime coat for protection - not all bacteria have
  • flexible cell wall for support - not made of cellulose
  • cytoplasm contains ribosomes which are smaller than eukaryotic ribosomes
  • bacteria have
    flagellum, plasmids, chromosomal dna, slime coat, flexible cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm
  • state two sub-cellular part that bacterial cells may have but animal cells never have: flagellum, plasmids