Communicable disease

Cards (12)

  • pathogens
    microorganisms that enter the body and cause disease
  • bacteria
    small cells which reproduce rapidly inside your body and damage your cells and tissue
  • viruses
    they are not cells - they are smaller than bacteria. they damage your cells which is what makes you feel ill
  • protists
    single celled eukaryotic cells. parasites are a type of protist - usually carried to the organism by a vector e.g moquito
  • types of pathogen
    • bacteria
    • virus
    • protist
    • fungi
  • how can pathogens spread
    • water
    • air
    • dirct contact
  • types of viral diseases
    • measles - spread by droplets of an infected person
    • HIV - spread by sexual contact or bodily fluids - flu-like symptoms
    • tobacco mosaic virus - affects many species of plants - leaves become discoloured and cause mosaic patterns - cant carry out photosynthesis
  • black rose spot

    fungal disease. causes purple or black spots to develop on the leaves of rose plants - this means less photosynthesis can happen.
  • mararia
    caused by a protist. mosquitos are common vectors of malaria
  • bacterial diseases
    • salmonella
    • gonorrhoea
  • salmonella
    a type of bacteria that causes food poisoning. can cause fever, stomach cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea. you can get it by ingesting contaminated by salmonella
  • gonorrhoea
    STD - bacterial disease - pain when they urinate - thick discharge - patients take antibiotics and use barrier methods during intercource