[Schumacher et al] ppts and therapists rates flooding more stressful than SD
[Wolpe] eradicated a girls phobia of cars by driving her around
means attrition rates are higher - waste of time and money
A strength into flooding
+ Cost effective - not expensive- flooding can work in as little as one session opposed to ten SD to achieve the same results- allows more people to get treated
Strengths for systematic desensitisation
+Evidence for it's effectiveness [Gilroy et al]- 42 people who had SD for spider phobia less fearful than a control group treated without exposure and just relaxation
[Wechsler et al] - SD is effective for specific and social phobias+
A limitation for SD
Reductionist- [Rachman] demonstrated that social phobias provided social skills training had greater recovery then a group without the training
Two process model- explains the onset and persistence of disorders that create phobias. Mowrer said phobias are acquired through CC and maintained through OC
A strength of the explanation in phobias
Shows a link between phobias and a traumatic experience-little albert - [Dejongh et al]- 73% of ppts with a fear of dental treatment experienced a traumatic experience compared to control group of people with low dental anxiety- only 21% hada traumatic event ---> counter- snake phobias with no trauma
A limitation of the explanation into ohobias
Doesn't take into account cognitive aspects- eg irrational beliefs about stimulus
Phobias- An irrational fear of an object or situation