Health charity to tackle leprosy (a slow growing, contagious bacterial disease)
It was set in 1976, raises its own funds and uses volunteers
It surveys communities to detect skin diseases, sets up skin clinics, runs pharmacies, runs kindergartens
In the 1980s it had 4000 leprosy patients, by 2007 cases had reduced to 219
It treated 28,000 people for leprosy, of whom 75% were cured
It now works with patients who have TB
It employs 5 teachers to carry out education work: SET (Survey, Education & Treatment)
It teaches people about the symptoms & about care and treatment
Much of its work is with women focusing on sanitation (boiling drinking water, washing hands before preparing food)
Education about worms composting waste (vermiculture), which can be sold
It is a small scale local scheme, it is not city wide or country wide