Ratification of the Constitution Notes

Cards (22)

  • When was the Constitution signed?
    September 17, 1787
  • What had to happen next?
    Ratification by the states
  • What are the two political groups that emerge?
    • Federalists (pro-constitution)
    • Anti-federalists (anti-constitution)
  • Why were some people concerned with the Constitution?
    • The federal government being too powerful
    • Lack of states' rights
    • No protections of individual liberties
    • Gov. favored the wealthy
  • When did the ratification debates take place?
    1788 - 1789
  • How many states were needed to ratify it?
    9 out of 13 states needed to ratify it
  • Which states were the Federalists most concerned with getting to ratify it? Why?
    Virginia, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and New York, because they're the biggest and most influential states
  • Who was Alexander Hamilton?
    Founding father from New York
  • Where did Hamilton live? How did this influence him?
    He lived in New York, where the government is corrupt and the governor acts like a king
  • Which side does he join?
  • What is his major strategy?
  • Who does he get to join him?
    James Madison and John Jay
  • What does this group do?
    Write anonymous letters in support of the Constitution
  • What are their writings known as?
    The Federalist Papers
  • What are four major themes throughout the 85 letters?
    • Benefits of a strong federal government
    • Criticism of the Articles of Confederation
    • Support of the Constitution
    • Discussions of the costs of freedom
  • What state was the first to ratify the Constitution?
    Delaware was first; December 7, 1787
  • What number was Massachusetts?
    6th, February 9th, 1788
  • What state was the 9th? What did this do?
    New Hampshire, Constitution goes into affect (ratified June 21, 1788)
  • When had all 13 states ratified it by?

    May 1790
  • Why did the states ultimately agree to ratify the Constitution?
    The Bill of Rights was added
  • What did this document do?
    Protect individual liberties and limit the power of the federal governent
  • When was it ratified?