Cards (3)

    • AO3:
      • Lack of confounding variables
      • There are many orphan studies before the Romanian orphan study was published
      • IE: orphans studies during WW2
      • These children had varying degrees of trauma which means is difficult to disentangle neglect, physical abuse etc from intitusionalised care
      • However orphans from Romanian orphanage study were given up by loving parents who could not afford to keep them
      • This means the results obtained were less likely to be confounded by negative early experience (high internal validity)
    • AO3:
      • However, studying children from Romanian orphanage study may have introduced other confounding variables
      • The intitustion in which these children were living in had remarkably poor conditions in which children were receiving very little comfort
      • Therefore the results obtained may be representing the effects of living in a poor intuition care rather than instulisation care
      • current lack of data on adult development.
      • latest data from the ERA Study looked at the children in their early to mid 20s
      • We do not currently have data to answer some of the most interesting research questions about the long-term effects of early institutional care
      • Questions include the lifetime prevalence of mental health problems
      • It will take a long time to gather this data because of the longitudinal design of the study, i.e. the same pp are followed over a long period
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