bandura's bobo doll 1965

Cards (6)

  • Aim: consider whether reinforcement and punishment of an aggressive model would influence the aggression displayed by observers (children) in response to frustration.
  • o   Same procedure as the 1961 experiment.
    o   33 boys and 33 girls ages 42-71 months.
    o   IV was the observed consequence for the model, DV was aggression in the children.
  • o   Children randomly allocated to one of the three conditions:
    o   1) model-rewarded condition – children saw a second adult praise the model for their aggression and give them a drink and chocolate.
    o   2) model-punished condition – second adult scolded the model and spanked them with a rolled-up magazine.
    o   3) no consequence condition – model was neither reinforced nor punished.
  • o   Children deliberately frustrated and then taken into a room.
    o   All three groups were later offered attractive rewards to aggress towards the doll.
  • Findings: children in the model-punished condition were significantly less aggressive than the other two groups however, introducing the promise of a reward wiped out the difference.
  • Conclusion: vicarious punishment reduces imitated aggression. However, the promise of reinforcement is more powerful influence on aggression.