Health and social

Cards (44)

    • Infancy, 0-2 years
    • Childhood, 3-12 years
    • Adolescence, 13-19 years
    • Adulthood, 20-64 years
    • Later adulthood, 65+ years
    • Physical growth - increase in physical size
    • Life stages - phase or period of human life cycle
    • Life span - time between birth and death
    • Maturity - state of being fully developed or an adult
    • Development - emergence and increase in PIES
    • Developmental norms - standards by which a child's development can be measured
    • Percentile chart - monitors and records growth by comparing it to a certain percentage of population
    • Health visitor - qualified nurse or midwife who assess health needs of individual children and their families
    • Gross motor skills - whole body movements, control large muscles in legs and arms
    • Fine motor skills - control over smaller muscles, hands, fingers, toes, palmer grasp (15m), tripod grasp (30m) mature tripod grasp (4 and a half onwards)
  • Physical change in adults
    1. Adulthood - obvious hair loss, reduced muscle mass, deteriorating eyesight, weight increase, decline in fertility, wrinkles
    2. Later adulthood - reduced heart and lung function, reduced mobility, stiff joints and weak bones, hearing loss, eyesight change, loss of height as spinal discs become thinner
  • Development during infancy (0-2)
    1. 3-4 months - head control, reach for objects, roll from side to side, solid food
    2. 6-9 months - teething, sit up unaided, lift head, look around, thumb and index grasp
    3. 9-12 months - crawl, chew, use hands to explore, walk holding something 'cruising', say a few words, know their name and understand simple words
    4. 12-18 months - feed themselves, walk unaided, understand simple requests, better memory and concentration
    5. 18-24 months - run, turn book pages, simple sentences, temper outbursts, say own name
  • Stages of play
    1. Solitary - playing independently, no interaction with others
    2. Parallel - playing alongside one another but not together
    3. Looking on - watching others play no participation
    4. Associative - taking part in some activity no end goal or organization
    5. Cooperative - playing together same game and outcome
  • Types of play
    • Imaginative - stories and roleplay
    • Physical - use of whole body, often outdoors or large space
    • Exploratory - curiosity, exploring the senses, natural materials
    • Manipulative - control of objects, helps independence
    • Creative - original ideas, stories, music, crafts
  • Negative effects of education
    • stress - exams or bullying
    • Lowers self esteem
    • socially isolating
    • may give in to peer pressure
    • limited intellectual development if student gives up (fixed mindset)
  • Positive effects of education
    • informed of good choices about health
    • participate in sports
    • good results lead to more career choices
    • development of skills and knowledge
    • growth mindset flourishes
    • raises self esteem
    • more secure
    • enjoyment of learning
    • fulfil potential
    • time with friends
    • learning to interact with a wide rage of people
  • Cognitive development
    1. imagination - pretend play and games
    2. problem solving - jigsaw puzzles
    3. creativity - painting, dancing
    4. forming concept - read, write, tell the time
    5. memory - questioning, making conversation, nursery rhymes
    6. concentration - seeing a task through, watching whole film
    7. object permanence - understanding something exists even when it can't be seen
    8. reasoning - cause and effect
  • Benefits of physical exercise on mental wellbeing
    • Distraction to unhealthy thoughts
    • resilience and better coping strategies
    • increasing sense of control and confidence
    • releases endorphins
    • reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression
    • increase in self esteem and body image
  • Benefits of physical exercise on physical health
    • helps control weight
    • improves cardiovascular and bone health
    • better sleep
    • overall more endurance
    • lowers risk of diabetes and heart disease
  • Benefits of exercise on social and intellectual health
    • improves alertness and energy levels
    • better behavior in classroom
    • increases ability to concentrate
    • reduces 'brain fog'
    • meet new people
    • interaction with others
  • Active participant - an individual who is involved in making decisions for their care and as independent as possible
    Passive participant - an individual not involved in the planning of their care and not given any choices, reliant on others
    • Wheelchair bound is a negative term highlighting the individuals limited abilities.
    • Wheelchair user is a positive term which acknowledges mobility and the fact a person might not be stuck in their wheelchair and can still partake in activities. Make individual feel liberated
  • Choices individuals should be encouraged to make:
    • drink enough water
    • get enough sleep
    • minimize risks to health and wellbeing
    • look after personal hygiene
    • eat a balanced diet
    • exercise
    • be as independent as possible
    • keep brain active
  • Primary benefits of active participation:
    1. rise in self esteem and self belief
    2. increases physical activity
    3. promotes learning and development
    4. encourages self awareness and involvement
    5. enhanced wellbeing
    6. promotes improved social contact
  • Secondary benefits of active participation:
    1. reduces vulnerability
    2. increased confidence
    3. decrease is possible abuse from others
    4. improves education and employment opportunities
    5. improves interpersonal relationships
  • Benefits on active participation for adults and children:
    • feeling in control
    • sense of dignity
    • connected to others in community
    • developing relationships
    • increased independence
    • increased self esteem, wellbeing, awareness
    • increased motivation
  • Puberty: Process of physical change, a child's body matures into an adult being able to sexually reproduce
    • grow taller and heavier
    • grow pubic, facial and underarm hair
    • penis and testes grow larger
    • shoulders and chest broaden
    • voice deepens
    • breasts develops
    • menstrual cycle starts
    • hips broaden
    • mood swings/egocentric/rebellious/rule questioning
    • experiment/sexual desires/friends important
  • Menopause: typical age is 45-55 years, a women's menstruation will stop and she will no longer produces eggs
    • hot flushes
    • heavy sweating
    • fatigue and muscle aches
    • loss of libido
    • osteoporosis
    • sore breasts and sensitive skin
    • headaches and dizziness
    • vaginal dryness
    • mood swings
    • hard to except no longer fertile
  • Gender - male or female, social and cultural differences
    Gender role - role or behavior learned seen as appropriate to their gender prevailing cultural norms
    Gender socialization - the way children learn to conform to a gender type
    Equality - equal rights, status and opportunity
    Gender dysphoria - discomfort or distress because there's a mismatch between biological sex and gender identity
    Transgender - identify as a gender different from sex at birth
    Transsexual - someone who desires medical assistance to transition from one sex to another
  • Relationship types:
    1. family
    2. friendship
    3. colleague
    4. romantic
  • Low parental control - high responsiveness
    • freedom but lacks structure and discipline
    • children secure, high self esteem
    • spoilt, make poor decisions
    Low parental control - low responsiveness
    • neglectful, no support
    • poor health, diet, sleep, hygiene
    • uninvolved, disengaged, rejection, emotionally absent
    • children at risk of anxiety, depression and behavioral problems
    • find it difficult to form relationships
  • High parental control - high responsiveness
    • strict, routine, high expectations and nurture
    • trust, communication, independence, clear boundaries
    • children less likely to be affected by peer pressure
    • able to form strong healthy relationships
    • confident
    High parental control - low responsiveness
    • arguing, sneaking around, lying
    • controlling, one way control, no choices
    • mistakes punished
    • children associate obedience with love
    • feel they must be successful to be accepted
    • aggressive, shy, low self esteem
  • what is abuse?
    • behavior towards an individual that deliberately or intentionally causes harm - violation of human and civil rights can result in death
    who is at risk of being abused?
    • can be experienced by any one throughout the life cycle, vulnerable, young, elderly and those with disabilities are more at risk - abusers are often those with responsibility or in a position of care
  • Physical abuse

    Causing physical harm to a person
  • Emotional abuse
    Persistent emotional ill treatment of a person such as to cause severe adverse effects on development - often experienced alongside other forms of abuse
  • Sexual abuse
    Rape and sexual acts a person couldn't or didn't consent to or was pressured into consenting - forcing a child or young person into sexual activities whether or not they are aware of this happening
  • Neglect
    The persistent failure to meet a persons physical and/or psychological needs - likely to result in the serious impairment or development of a persons health
  • Domestic abuse
    Threatening behavior, violence or abuse between adults who are or have been in a relationship or between family members - rarely a one of incident
  • Types of abuse
    • Physical
    • Emotional
    • Sexual
    • Neglect
    • Domestic
  • Bullying
    Physical, verbal, indirect, social alienation, intimidation, cyber bullying
  • general effects of abuse:
    • loss of self esteem, lack of social confidence
    • copying abusive behavior and negative self concept
    • withdrawal or attention seeking
    • mental ill health, increased dependency
    • interference with learning and school readiness
    • alcohol and drug abuse - increased risk or criminal behavior
    • increased likelihood of poverty
  • physical abuse - injuries, scars, illness, death
    emotional abuse - humiliation, low self esteem, self harm and suicidal thoughts
    sexual abuse - STIs, pregnancy, pain, humiliation, eating and psychiatric disorders, distress in intimate relationships, harmful sexual victimization and behaviors
    verbal abuse - nervousness, fear, confusion, exhaustion, desire to please, aggression, doing what told to without question, slower development and withdrawal from society
    neglect - impaired development in all pies, malnutrition, weight loss and dehydration
  • Gender
    Ace - adverse childhood experiences
  •  ETHNICITY - A term that refers to the social and cultural characteristics, backgrounds, or experiences shared by a group of people. These include language, religion, beliefs, values, and behaviors that are often handed down from one generation to the next.
  • DIVERSITY - the range of human differences, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethical values system, national origin, and political beliefs.
  • challenges of living in a diverse community:
    • tension and conflict
    • trying to remain separate
    • ignorance of other beliefs
    • clash of values and life styles
    • fear of losing identity
  • advantages of living in a diverse community:
    • sharing ideas and perspective
    • sharing innovation
    • tolerance and respect
    • acceptance
    • reduces prejudice and discrimination
  • benefits of breastfeeding for baby:
    1. reduces infection, vomit or diarrhea risk
    2. less likely to develop nappy rash or be constipated
    3. reduce SIDs risk
    4. reduces risk of leukemia and obesity
    5. vitamin D supplement
    6. reduces risks of cardiovascular disease in adulthood