Sum if all chemical reactions in an organism. Rate of all reactions in a metabolic pathway is controlled by enzymes
Anabolic reactions
Reactions where small simple molecules are built up into
complex ones and energy is used, Eg photosynthesis
Catabolic reactions
Reactions where large complex molecules are broken down into simple molecules and energy is released, e.g. respiration.
Information controlling the formation and functioning of a living organism is found in its dna
Some cells are unicellular eg amoeba
most organisms are multicellular, in multicellular organisms cells are arranged in tissues eg bones
Groups of tissues form organs
groups if organs form a organ system eg oesophagus, stomach, intestines form the digestive system
Intake and use of food. food provides the materials and energy needed for metabolism and continuity
autotrophic- make their own food eg plants
heterotrophic- can’t make their own use food made by other organisms
Release if energy by breaking down food molecules eg glucose, fatty acids. In aerobic respiration o2 is used, in anaerobic it’s not
Removal of waste products if metabolism from body.
animals produce many toxic waste materials eg urine, excretory products are removed by kidneys lungs and skin.
plants excrete waste co2 from respiration and o2 from photosynthesis via stomata
The way in which living organisms detect and respond to changes in their environment (stimuli)
animals respond quick
plants respond slowly by growing towards or away from stimuli eg sun
Sexual reproduction
Offspring result from the fusion of male and female gametes to make a zygote. Mixture of dna is passed from parents to offspring. Offspring wont be identical to parents
Asexual reproduction
(no fusion of gametes): identical DNA is passed from parent to offspring. Therefore the offspring are exact copies of the parent eg amoeba