God as the controller of all things

Cards (3)

  • If the universe was made by God and if God is all-powerful, then God must control everything. 'God sustains the universe' meaning that he holds it in existence and preserves it from destruction
  • Psalm 89:9-10 - God rules the raging of the Yam (The sea) and crushes the Rahab like a carcass. Psalm 104:5 God 'set the earth on its foundations, so that it should never be shaken' - God sustains human morality by providing a code by which Christians are expected to follow e.g. The 10 Commandments and teachings of Jesus
  • Christians vary in their interpretation of God as the controller of all things. For some, because God is the only God and omnipotent, he therefore must also be omniscient. If God knows everything, including the past, present and future, meaning that the future is fixed and pre-determined (Theological determinism) Aquinas' view is that God doesn't exist in time, he exists timelessly. God can be outside time, but he can't control it