measuring and comparing biodiversity

Cards (13)

  • species - group of organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring
  • reproductively isolated - can't breed with other species
  • biodiversity - different populations of different species co-dependent of eachother
  • species richness - number of different species in a habitat
    counting, using diversity index
  • species evenness - number of individuals (abundance) of one species in a habitat
    count or % cover
  • genetic diversity - number of different alleles within the gene pool (all alleles of all individuals in a species)
    can measure using the heterozygosity index
  • allele - characteristic in the gene which is used to be expressed in the phenotype
    different version of a gene (different DNA base sequence) found at the same locus (position on chromosome)
  • heterozygosity index
    H= no. of heterozygotes / number of individuals in a population of a species
  • higher number of heterozygosity index = more genetic diversity
  • endemic species - species that are found in 1 geographical area only
  • diversity index = D = N (N-1) / ∑ n (n-1)
    n = total no. of one species
  • reproductive isolation occurs when changes in the alleles and phenotypes of some individuals in a population prevent them from successfully breeding with others in the population that do not have these changed alleles or phenotypes
  • reproductive isolation can lead to accumulation of different genetic information in populations, potentially leading to formation of new species