
Cards (6)

  • Findings
    Emotional tests:
    • Albert showed no fear to the objects before conditioning
    • Hospital attendants + mother said they had never seen him in a state of fear
    • When the bar was struck - fear response from Albert - his lips began to pucker + tremble, 3rd time = crying fit
  • Findings - S1
    • When a bar struck - jumped + fell forward, burying his head on the table but didn't cry, 2nd time jumped + whimpered
  • Findings - S2
    • Albert didn't reach for the rat + just stared
    • The rat moved closer + he carefully reached out but withdrew when the rat started to nuzzle
    • The cautious response was tested by giving him blocks which he played with happily
    • When he was showed the rat he was distressed + cried
  • Findings - S3
    • Blocks - happy
    • Rat - fear
    • Rabbit - as extreme as rat
    • Dog - not as extreme
    • Cotton wool - played but cautious
    • Watson's hair - no fear response
  • Findings - S4
    • Less extreme than before
    • After further exposure - conditioned fear response was strong. Showed a distinct learned response persisted towards the furry object
  • Findings - S5
    • Albert responded to the test objects in a clearly different way than to the control objects (blocks)
    • His reaction to the furry objects were not as extreme as previously but he avoided them and whimpered
    • On occasions he cried