To say that God is transcendent, means He is beyond the space-timeuniverse. Those who believe this viewGod as not a thing or an object, God is not made out of anything and does not exist in anything
So, God cannot exist in time or space, since to do so would limit him. God is eternal, He has no beginning or end
NothingcreatedGod, He is an omnipotent creator, but He did not createhimself. God is his ownexistence and God's essence is to exist.
Isiah 55:9 - 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are many ways higher than yourways and my thought than your thoughts'.1Corinthians2:11 - '...No one comprehends the thoughts of God except the spirit of God'
In reply to Moses, God says "I am who I am" Exodus 3:15. This shows God's transcendence and unknowability. God is the creator and cannot be categorised, known or understood by any other being