Cards (31)

  • Why was Hitler seen as a threat?
    He wanted to unite all German speaking people, gain living space, and restore Germany's power.
  • Why did people think Hitler wanted peace?

    He signed a non-aggression pact with Poland, and a navy agreement with Britain ensuring that the German navy was only allowed to be 1/3 the size of Britain's
  • Why did people think Hitler wanted war?
    He withdraw from the disarmament conference and started to rearm Germany
  • Why did Britain follow the policy of Appeasement?
    The horrors of WWI and the Depression were still fresh in public minds.
    It enabled potential future Anglo-German relations
    Germany could provide protection from the Soviet Union
  • Why did people dislike Appeasement?
    It made Chamberlain look like weak and Hitler strong
    it showed that the UK was willing to betray their Allies
    It enabled the Nazis and Germany to gain political, territorial, and economic strength
  • What was the Czechoslovkia Crisis?
    Hitler demanded the Sudetenland, where 3.5 million Germans lived, be given independence.
  • What was agreed at Munich?
    The Sudetenland was to be made a part of Germany, but the rest of Czechoslovakia was safe.
  • What was the Nazi-Soviet Pact?

    An agreement not to interfere with the other during war, and to divide Poland between them.
  • How did the Munich agreement allow Britain to prepare for war?

    It gave time to build armaments and educate the people.
  • What were air raid wardens?
    Their role was to support their community and prepare for bombings. 1.5 million were recruited. 1 in 6 were women.
  • Where did people shelter from air raids?
    Anderson, Morrison shelters were used, and the tube stations in London.
  • How did radar, barrage balloons, and anti aircraft guns help defend Britain?
    Radar allowed Britain to see German planes, balloons help stop bombs reaching cities, and anti aircraft guns shot down planes.
  • What was conscription?
    Compulsory enlistment to the armed forces.
  • What was meant by 'reserved occupations'?

    These were jobs where people had exemption from conscription. Ususally highly skilled jobs.
  • What was the Blitz?
    The bombing of British cities between September 1940 and May 1941 by the Luftwaffe
  • What was the The Nights Blizts?
    The heavy bombing of industrial Swansea in 1940.
  • How did the evacuation work?
    Millions of children and vulnerable people were evacuated from the cities to the countryside.
  • Why was rationing needed?
    Rationing was needed as Britain relied heavily on imported food.
  • How did women contribute to the war effort?

    Hundreds of thousands of women joined the different armed forces groups.
  • How did women contribute to the war effort?
    By 1943 57% of factory jobs were held by women.
  • How did cinema and radio help during the war?
    Millions had radios and went to the cinema. It was a way to learn about the war.
  • How did propaganda and censorhip help during the war?
    Censorship was to ensure information was not given away, or morale lowered.
    Propaganda was designed to help boost the morale of the public during the war
  • What was the Dig for Victory campaign?
    A propaganda campaign to encourage Britain's to plant food and eat efficiently. Many used their own gardens to grow food.
  • What was the Spitfire Fund?
    A government scheme to fundraise for the Spitfire plane. Anyone who donated over £5000 would have a plane named after them
  • Why was Churchill an important leader?
    He had been correct about Hitler and Appeasement. He helped lift morale with powerful speeches. He ran an effective coalition government during the war.
  • What were the V1 & V2 bombs.
    Hitler's revenge weapon. The first modern missles.
  • What were the terms of the Treaty of Versaille?
    Germany was to give up all overseas colonies
    Germany was only allowed a Military of 100,000, 6 battle ships, no tanks, and no aircrafts
    Demilitarise the Rhineland
    Take full responsibility for WW1
    Pay full war reparations, £6.6 bn
    Anschluss was banned
  • What did the Czechoslovakia Crisis of 1939 prove?

    Policy of Appeasement failed
    Chamberlain was a poor leader
    Churchill was more competent
    A war was inevitable
  • What triggered the war?
    Germany's invasion of Poland in 1939
    Britain had a protection pact with Poland
    Chamberlain offered an ultimatum, Hitler ignored it
  • Key features of Hitler's foreign policy
    Germany withdrew from League of Nations in 1933
    German Navy started in 1934
    Hitler restarted conscription in 1935
    Remilitarisation of the Rhineland in 1936
    Anschluss in 1938
    Munich conference in 1938
    Czechoslovakia crisis in 1939
    Nazi-Soviet pact in 1939
    German invasion of Poland in 1939
  • how did women aid the war effort?
    in 1941 conscription started for women
    by 1943, 17 million women were in the forces, industries and 57% of factory jobs
    660,000 were in the armed forces, the favourite was WRNS
    80,000 women were 'land girls' and grew foods