Variables in a sample or measures computed from sample data
Population Parameters
Variables in a population or measured characteristics of the population
Descriptive Statistics
Describe characteristics of populations or samples
Inferential Statistics
Make inferences about whole populations from a sample
Frequency Distribution
A set of data organized by summarizing the number of times a particular value of a variable occurs
Percentage Distribution
A frequency distribution organized into a table (or graph) that summarizes percentage values associated with particular values of a variable
The long-run relative frequency with which an event will occur
The percentage of elements that met some criterion
Top-Box Score
Proportion of respondents who chose the most positive choice in a multiple choice question
A measure of central tendency; the arithmetic average
A measure of central tendency that is the midpoint; the value below which half the values in a distribution fall
A measure of central tendency; the value that occurs most often
The distance between the smallest and the largest values of a frequency distribution
Deviation Scores
Indicate how far any observation is from the mean
A measure of variability or dispersion. Its square root is the standard deviation
Standard Deviation
A quantitative index of a distribution's spread, or variability; the square root of the variance for a distribution
Normal Deviation
A symmetrical, bell-shaped distribution [normal curve] that describes the expected probability distribution of many chance occurrences
Standardized Normal Deviation
A purely theoretical probability distribution that reflects a specific normal curve for the standardized value, z
Normal Distribution
Symmetrical, bell-shaped distribution (normal curve) that describes the expected probability distribution of many chance occurrences
99% of its values are within ± 3 standard deviations from its mean
Standardized Normal Distribution
Purely theoretical probability distribution that reflects a specific normal curve for the standardized value, z
The normal distribution is also called "bell curve"
The normal distribution is the curved shape of a graph that is highest in the middle and lowest on the sides
Characteristics of a Standardized Normal Distribution
It is symmetrical about its mean
The mean identifies the normal curve's highest point (the mode) and the vertical line about which this normal curve is symmetrical
The normal curve has an infinite number of cases (it is a continuous distribution), and the area under the curve has a probability density equal to 1.0
The standardized normal distribution has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1
Standardized Values
Used to compare an individual value to the population mean in units of the standard deviation
Population Distribution
A frequency distribution of the elements of a population
Sample Distribution
A frequency distribution of a sample
Sampling Distribution
A theoretical probability distribution of sample means for all possible samples of a certain size drawn from a particular population
Standard Error of the Mean
The standard deviation of the sampling distribution
Three Important Distributions
Population Distribution
Sample Distribution
Sampling Distribution
Central-Limit Theorem
The theory that, as sample size increases, the distribution of sample means of size n, randomly selected, approaches a normal distribution
The mean distribution of any distribution approaches normal as n increases
The distribution of sample means for samples of various sizes and population distributions
Hypothetical toy expenditures population distribution
Calculation of population mean
Arithmetic means of samples and frequency distribution of sample means
Point Estimate
An estimate of the population mean in the form of a single value, usually the sample mean
Confidence Interval Estimate
A specified range of numbers within which a population mean is expected to lie; an estimate of the population mean based on the knowledge that it will be equal to the sample mean plus or minus a small sampling error
Confidence Level
A percentage or decimal value that tells how confident a researcher can be about being correct; it states the long-run percentage of confidence intervals that will include the true population mean
Confidence Interval
A range of numbers within which a population mean is expected to lie
Traditionally, researchers have used the 95% confidence level (a 5% tolerance for error)