The process of assigning a numerical score or other character symbol to previously edited data
Rules for interpreting, classifying, and recording data in the coding process; also, the actual numerical or other character symbols assigned to raw data
Dummy Coding
Numeric "1" or "0" coding where each number represents an alternate response such as "female" or "male"
Effects Coding
An alternative to dummy coding using the values of -1 and 1 to represent two categories of responses
Descriptive Analysis
The elementary transformation of raw data in a way that describes the basic characteristics such as central tendency, distribution, and variability
A graphical way of showing a frequency distribution in which the height of a bar corresponds to the observed frequency of the category
The orderly arrangement of data in a table or other summary format showing the number of responses to each response category; tallying
Frequency Table
A table showing the different ways respondents answered a question
The appropriate technique for addressing research questions involving relationships among multiple less-than interval variables; results in a combined frequency table displaying one variable in rows and another variable in columns
Contingency Table
A data matrix that displays the frequency of some combination of possible responses to multiple variables; cross-tabulation results
Row and column totals in a contingency table, which are shown in its margins
Statistical Base
The number of respondents or observations (in a row or column) used as a basis for computing percentages
Elaboration Analysis
An analysis of the basic cross-tabulation for each level of a variable not previously considered, such as subgroups of the sample
Moderator Variable
A third variable that changes the nature of a relationship between the original independent and dependent variables
Data Transformation
Process of changing the data from their original form to a format suitable for performing a data analysis addressing research objectives
Median Split
Dividing a data set into two categories by placing respondents below the median in one category and respondents above the median in another
The median split approach is best applied only when the data do indeed exhibit bimodal characteristics
Inappropriate collapsing of continuous variables into categorical variables ignores the information contained within the untransformed values
Index Numbers
Scores or observations recalibrated to indicate how they relate to a base number
Computer Programs for Analysis
Statistical software: SAS, SPSS, MINITAB
The process of drawing inferences from the analysis results
Univariate Statistical Analysis
Tests of hypotheses involving only one variable
Bivariate Statistical Analysis
Tests of hypotheses involving two variables
Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis involving three or more variables or sets of variables
Hypothesis Testing Procedure
1. The specifically stated hypothesis is derived from the research objectives
2. A sample is obtained and the relevant variable is measured
3. The measured sample value is compared to the value either stated explicitly or implied in the hypothesis
Significance Level
A critical probability associated with a statistical hypothesis test that indicates how likely an inference supporting a difference between an observed value and some statistical expectation is true. The acceptable level of Type I error
Probability value, or the observed or computed significance level; p-values are compared to significance levels to test hypotheses
Type I Error
An error caused by rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true; has a probability of alpha (α). Practically, a Type I error occurs when the researcher concludes that a relationship or difference exists in the population when in reality it does not exist
Type II Error
An error caused by failing to reject the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is true; has a probability of beta (β). Practically, a Type II error occurs when a researcher concludes that no relationship or difference exists when in fact one does exist