Tropical rainforests

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  • Climate
    • Same climate all year round
    • Average temperature is 27°C
    • Around 2000mm of rainfall a year
  • The temperature is high and constant throughout the year. This is because the powerful Sun is overhead for most of the time.
  • The rainfall is high. This is because the global atmospheric circulation causes an area of low pressure to form at the Equator. The rising air creates clouds and triggers heavy rain.
  • Rainfall varies throughout the year, with a distinct wet season lasting about six months. This is due to a period of intense rainfall when the equatorial low pressure area is directly overhead
  • When animals die, they will be decomposed by microorganisms. The nutrients and minerals will then be absorbed by the soil encouraging plant growth.
  • Plant adaptations
    • Tall trees - to compete for sunlight
    • Thick waxy leaves + pointy drip tips- ensure water doesn't damage plant and no water for bacteria or fungi to grow on
    • Flexible leaves so can face sun
    • Lianas-climbing plants use trunks to reach sunlight
    • Buttress roots-support +stabilise trees
  • Animal adaptations
    • Howler monkey - strong limbs to move quickly
    • Harpy eagle - short, pointed wings so can fly between trees
    • Flying squirrels - suction cups to climb and flaps of skin to help glide
    • Leaf tailed gecko - camouflaged
  • Birds live in the canopy (branches) feeding on nectar from flowers.
  • Mammals, like monkeys and sloths, are well adapted to living in the trees.
  • Animals like deer and rodents live on the forest floor.
  • Plants
    • Most are evergreen due to constant photosynthesis
    • Tall trees
    • Dense vegetation due to competition for sunlight
    • Not very fertile soil, rain washes nutrients away, most nutrients at surface of ground, trees intercept rain but deforestation is stopping
  • People and animals
    • Indigenous tribes live in the rainforest
    • Over half of all plants and animals on Earth live on 7% of the land surface