Injuries sustained

Cards (10)

  • What conditions caused the majority of injuries and illness on the Western Front?
    Poor living conditions, lack of hygiene and sanitation, flooding and weather
  • What were the main symptoms of Trench foot?
    Essentially the rooting of the foot, it would go black and begin to decompose through gangrene
  • How could Trenchfoot be avoided?
    Keeping the feet dry, rubbing them with oil to protect against water, amputation was a last resort if gangrene set in
  • What were the symptoms of shellshock?
    Stress, tiredeness, blackouts, nightmares and mental breakdown
  • What was most likely to kill or injure a soldier on the Western Front?
    Rifle, shrapnel or explosive wounds
  • What issues could arise from rifle,shrapnel or explosive wounds?
    Bleeding to death in the short term, infection in the long term
  • How could a wound become infected?
    Through dirty soil or metal stuck in the wound
  • What were the effects of gas attacks?
    Blinding, gas gangrene, blisters, suffocation
  • How did the British adapt to gas attacks?
    Gas masks were issued and soldiers were trained in how to avoid gas attacks
  • What was a common injury to the head and how was it avoided?
    Falling and hitting one's head was likely, initially soldiers did not wear hard helmets but they were later issued with metal helments to protect against falls.