Trench structure

Cards (13)

  • Why were trenches built on the Western Front?
    A stalemate emerged as trenches were dug by the French in order to stop the German advance. It was very difficult to advanced beyond the trench system.
  • What was the purpose of trenches?

    To protect soldiers from enemy gunfire on the front lines and provide a defensive position
  • How did the creation of trenches lead to the creation of new types of weapons and warfare?
    Gas emerged because it was difficult to advance so attackers fired gas into the trenches before crossing no mans land. Artillery was used to bombard the trenches. Tunellers tried to dig into enemy trenches and blow them up.
  • What kind of conditions could one find in a trench?
    It would be cold, wet a dirty in the winter. There would be stale water, rats and lots of mud. In the summer it could be dry and dusty, and hot.
  • Where was the Western Front?
    Northern France and Belgium
  • What was significant about the first Battle of Ypres?
    It was the first time that tunelling and mining was used in a battle
  • What was significant about the Second Battle of Ypres?
    It was the first time that Chlorine gas was used in WW1
  • How many men died in the third battle of Ypres?
  • What was significant about the Battle of Cambrai?
    It was the first large scale use of tanks in a war
  • What problems were associated with fighting on the Western Front?
    Craters from bombing, bacteria in the soil which infected wounds, rats and water
  • What strategies did the army develop to combat the problem of casualties on the battlefield?
    They needed a chain like system to get wounded men from the front to where they could be treated
  • How were ambulances pulled during the war?
    By horses
  • How were men evacuated to Base Hospitals?
    By use of a barge(boat) or a train