Our earth stays warm because of a process called the greenhouse effect. This is where greenhouses gases are trapped in the atmosphere and warms up the planet. Without it our average temperatures would be -15 degrees.
Enhanced green effect
Since the industrial revolution humans have releases more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up. This happens because the gases create a blanket in the atmosphere, and this traps more sunrays and heats the planet up more
Orbital changes
Overtime the earths orbit changes from oval to circular
Oval shape means that the climate and seasons will be more extreme
Whereas is the orbit is a circular shape the the climate and seasons wont be as extreme
Axis tilt
Every 41,000 years the earths tilt is changing.
This causes climate change because if a country is 'closer' to the sun then it will get hotter
Every 24,000 years the earths wobble changes
This causes climate change because if the wobble is more extreme then there would be more extreme temperatures
Solar activity - sun spots
These sun spots radiate either higher amounts of radiation or lower amounts. If these spots hit the earths temperatures change. This cycle happens every 11 years
Volcanic activity
When a volcano erupts, huge amounts of ash is releases into the atmosphere. The ash then reflects the sun rays away from earths surface. This means that less rays are reaching the surface of the earth so it decreases global temperatures.