Cards (4)

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    • Accessing customer preference is not new - loyalty cards and online browsing records have helped improve marketing techniques - have access to our inner thoughts
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    • Wilson et al 2008 - believes neuromarketing will be able to individualise advertising messages to us - brands can manipulate free will of their clients
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    • Montague 2004 - conducted coke/pepsi blind taste test while scanning participants brains - found participants preferred pepsi if they didn’t know what they were drinking but preferred coke if they did
    • Brain scan showed different parts of the brain in each case when tasting blindly - one of brains reward centres (ventromedial prefrontal cortex) responded more actively to pepsi but when told they were drinking coke there was activity in the medial prefrontal cortex - part of brsun dealing with higher processing and memor
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    • Therefore, brand associations could almost literally be seen overriding basic pleasure response.