Triggered by release of histamine from damaged cells, causes blood vessels to dilate, brings more blood to site, site becomes red, swollen and tender, high concentration of white cells and tissue fluid with anti-bacterial effect
Can attack specific organisms, more efficient than general defence system, involves antigen-antibody response, uses specialised white blood cells - lymphocytes and monocytes
Form part of a family of proteins called immunoglobulins, each type is highly specific to a single pathogen, inactivate antigens by attaching to them, causing pathogens to clump together, or activating complement protein
Ability to resist disease caused by specific pathogens through production of antibodies, can be active (person's own antibodies) or passive (antibodies from another organism)
Antibody producing lymphocytes that remain in body after infection is overcome, can rapidly produce large amounts of specific antibody on second exposure
Specially prepared material that provides artificially induced active immunity against a pathogen, usually contains dead or weakened pathogen, close relative, component parts, genetically engineered antigens, or DNA
Before smallpox was eradicated, it was a serious infectious disease caused by the variola virus, contagious, most people recovered but about 3 in 10 died, many survivors had permanent scars
Jenner injected 8 year old boy with cowpox, then with smallpox-infected tissue, boy did not contract smallpox, technique was immediately accepted and death rate from smallpox collapsed by end of 19th century
Produced and mature in bone marrow, migrate to lymph nodes, each carries receptors for one specific antigen, when antigen is encountered they divide into plasma cells (produce antibodies) and memory B cells
Produced in bone marrow, mature in thymus gland, migrate to lymphoid tissue, work against viral infected and cancer cells, form 4 types of clones: helper T-cells, killer T-cells, suppressor T-cells, memory T-cells
Recognize antigens presented by macrophages and produce interferon, stimulate production of other T-cells and B-cells, greatly increase antibody production