lymphatic system

Cards (10)

  • Lymphatic System

    A one-way system of dead-ended vessels
  • Components of the Lymphatic System
    • Lymph Vessels
    • Lymph Fluid
    • Lymph Nodes
  • Lymph Vessels
    • Dead-ending vessels
    • Have valves which prevent the backflow of lymph
    • Found throughout the body
    • Collect tissue fluid that surrounds the cells and return it back to the blood at the subclavian vein
  • Lymph Fluid
    A colourless fluid formed from tissue fluid, with a composition very similar to plasma but with less proteins
  • Lymph Nodes
    • Swellings found along the lymph vessels
    • Contain large numbers of lymphocytes
    • Form clusters called glands in some parts (thymus, tonsils, spleen, adenoids, armpits, neck)
  • Blood in capillaries is under high pressure

    Plasma and dissolved substances leave the blood at the arterial end to form tissue fluid or extra cellular fluid (ECF)
  • Tissue fluid bathes the cells
    Delivers oxygen and glucose to cells and collects carbon dioxide
  • Most of the tissue fluid
    Drains back into the blood stream at the venous end of the capillary
  • Some of the tissue fluid
    Enters the lymphatic system, becoming lymph
  • Functions of the Lymphatic System
    • Transports lymph back to the bloodstream via the subclavian vein
    • Absorption and transport of fat through the lacteals in the villi of the small intestine
    • Defence (filters out bacteria and other pathogens, produces lymphocytes that fight infection)